One takeaway from the 2016 election is to just wait and see. Facing pressure to confirm a Supreme Court justice? Just wait and see. Got a p*ssy grabber for a nominee? Just wait and see.
Smile blankly & wait and see what happens. What’s the worst that could happen?
What’s the worst that can happen? We don’t really know, but we are getting an inkling: a catastrophic hurricane where the president just shrugs and smiles and throws paper towels at a crowd of natural disaster victims might be the place to start. And you must own up to the reality that yes, it could actually get worse than that.
What we have in Washington D.C. isn’t “profiles in courage” but rather fear and loathing. When only the resigning or retiring pols can speak out for fear of retribution from Trump nothing will happen. Let those in office speak out without fear and say what we all know about this imposter in the White House. He must go before the entire country goes down.
These hacks are complaining because they want a president who is an even bigger asshole, and the most moronic DOTUS ever. DJT is too soft all around for the RNC’s corporate
For almost all of the GOPers currently in Congress, switching parties would be the equivalent of announcing that they are not running for reelection. Their past votes in Congress and their past campaign materials would doom their chances in a Dem primary. Just ask Arlen Specter.
“When you’re the President of the United States, your words are policy. People take those words very seriously, and I don’t think the President has learned that yet,” Dent said, referencing Trump’s fiery rhetoric toward North Korea and it’s leader Kim Jong-Un. “The President, I believe, has to be much more measured in his rhetoric, but good luck with that.”
Very reassuring that the survival of the Republic depends on luck.
Republicans played the game of Russian Roulette, and the luck ran out.
They should become independent. I wouldn’t trust or want them as Democrats either. Let them caucus with whoever they want, and make it the Congrssional Leadership’s challenge to build consensus across ideological leanings.
I guarantee Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would do a far better job of it.