Discussion: Rep. Dave Trott Announces Retirement — Third Swing-District Republican This Week


Sounds like all the time spent fundraising isn’t yielding much fruit and Trott doesn’t want to spend more of his great wealth defending a seat that he likely won’t keep.

It must be tough to run on a non-existent record. Look for more swing district 'pubs needing to spend more time with their families.


Rats and sinking ship scenario.


"Trott & Trott makes his foreclosure money by employing a system known as “Dual Tracking” in order to foreclose on a homeowner. Dual Tracking is where the foreclosure mill or mortgage servicer will convince the homeowner that they are working to keep them in their home while moving ahead with foreclosure proceedings. In other words it’s a “Bait and Switch” tactic.

Trott ran into some serious trouble last year when his firm was fired by JPMorgan Chase on a dual tracking case involving Jeff Reed, a retired Green Beret and his autistic son from Northern Michigan. Trott refused to honor a loan modification his firm negotiated on behalf of JPMorgan Chase and then began foreclosure proceeding against Jeff Reed. JPMorgan Chase fired Trott from the case when JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s was flooded with calls from international media about Trott’s rogue attempt to foreclose on an American hero.

101 year old Texana Hollis in a homeless shelter having being callously being evicted and placed on the curb by contractors of David Trott.
101 year old Texana Hollis after being callously evicted and placed on the curb by contractors of David Trott.
Trott also stirred up international outrage two years ago when his firm callously and unmercifully evicted wheel chair bound 101-year old Texana Hollis from her home in the rain and left her on the curb with her possessions. Hollis was only able to move back into her home after novelist and sports writer Mitch Albom’s charity, S.A.Y. Detroit purchased the house from HUD and rehabilitated it to accommodate Mrs. Hollis’ wheel chair."


They’re dropping like flies. Who knew even they couldn’t stand the stink?


I always hate them when they denigrate rats for abandoning a sinking ship. The reality is that rats since they live in the holds are the first to realize that the ship is not safe and they do not see any point in risking their lives in such vessel just so the shipowner (who is not on board either) squeezes more profits out of the piece of junk.

What’s unpardonable is the ship captain that insists on sailing such a ship once the rats already warned him that the ship was sinking.


“I have decided that the best course for me is to spend more time with my family”

I wonder if any of them ever ask their family how they feel about it.


“Trott is already the fourth Republican from a competitive district to announce he’ll retire this year…”

Elected office holders have a sixth sense that most of us lack.

They can smell things sooner and more accurately than the rest of us.

Only those finely attuned to the situation on the ground can adroitly navigate the fierce competition of a political campaign.

Something’s definitely in the air – the foul stench of a Trump dump – and Republicans know it.

This is just the beginning…


Who could have also guessed Trott’s also a big time jerk!

Following the inauguration of Donald Trump in January 2017, Trott was increasingly criticized for not holding a town hall since April 2015. In response, he held a “Tele-Town Hall” on February 7, 2017, which received mixed reviews as some accused Trott of ‘cherry-picking’ questions over the phone. In addition, over 150 individuals who signed up for the Tele-Town Hall ultimately never received a call to participate. No explanation or apology was provided for the exclusion.[24] During the congressional recess of 2017, individual constituents of Trott’s District, Michigan District 11, organized two separate Town Halls in hopes of enticing Trott to attend. Instead of meeting with his constituents, Trott chose to travel to India instead. Trott’s office was not forthcoming with his schedule, and constituents found out about his trip via a story in the India Times just days before the first of the two Town Halls.[25]
After the congressional recess, constituents continued to encourage Trott to hold a town hall meeting where they could meet with their representative face-to-face. In some cases, constituents were turned away at the door of Trott’s office and police were called to remove them.[26] Then, on March 18, 2017, Trott held a town hall meeting, with a mixed crowd of a handful of supporters and several hundred in opposition. Only 450 of the approximately 1,000 constituents who arrived were admitted to the town hall due to space limitations. Topics discussed included the repeal and replacement of the ACA funding for social programs, and whether Trump’s tweets were a good strategy. After the town-hall meeting, Trott and his aide, Stu Sandler, were caught on a hot mic stating “We’re going to take that part where they’re booing funding for the military and I’m going to get somebody to write a story and we’re going to promote the sh*t out of that”, adding “It’s un-American crap.” An aide was also heard stating that they had “bounced” certain questions they did not want Trott to answer. Review of the tape shows that the booing begins after Trott said the American military was “the weakest it’s ever been” rather than related to military funding."


My heartfelt apologies to rats…particularly those fond of pizza. :wink:


"I have decided that the best course for me is to spend more time with my family and return to the private sector where I can make a bundle of cash,” Trott said in a statement. “How anyone can be expected to live on a measly $174K a year is laughable.”


Ain’t it funny how the GOPers so often tend to have these people in their ranks whose entire private career was essentially an abusive hunt for wealth, marked by entirely callous indifference to fellow human beings and an overriding zeal for self-aggradizement? I wonder what a listing would look like…people like Issa and his scams, this guy, and of course Trump, who epitomizes the apex of con-man-cum-politician quasi-criminal that seems to know, instinctively, that the GOP/conservative base is the ripest bunch of gulliberries in the vineyard…that all it takes is a willingness to say and do all the “right” horrible, horrifying shit in order to get elected and accede to the positions of power that will permit further self-enrichment from continuing to con, abuse and step all over everyone else.


ken yehi ratson !




Yeah, they’re all getting the “Trotts”.
Must be something in the cafeteria covfefe.


I read Josh’s note on the ‘Democratic Divide’.

Sometimes I think debates like these lag and miss changing trends among actual voters. If you look at the special elections thus far in 2017, the Democratic share of the white vote, even in Republican held districts, has been higher than at any point since the 2006 mid-terms. It’s ranging from 42%-48%. That range is a product of a combo brew: of liberal leaning Indies showing up and voting Democratic and a flat or slight decline in GOP turnout. If liberal leaning independents (who are majority white and tend to lean Bernie) simply show up and vote Democratic, then there’s no reason to debate this false choice between identity politics and economic issues. The two wings of Dem voters are generally aligned on both. In fact, in the Virginia governor’s race, the reaction of more pro-Bernie elements to #charlottesville has probably helped solidify support among the Democratic coalition behind Ralph Northam, whereas prior to that event, Northam was facing the thorny issue of unifying pro-Bernie followers of his defeated primary opponent, Tom Perrielllo. When there is a sense of crisis, the Democratic coalition will generally align. It’s in situations of relative success (as when the party has sought a 3rd term for the WH in 1968, 2000 and 2016) that the coalition is susceptible to splintering.

There were more than enough white voters who are Democratic leaning to defeat Trump and the GOP in 2016. The issue was the distribution of relative turnout and 3rd party defections, much of which was influenced by the Comey II and Comey III letters. Those two events not only hurt Hillary Clinton, but every Democrat running in a swing state for federal office. There are very few (if any) examples of a Democratic Senate candidate in a swing state that didn’t run worse than Hillary in 2016. Looking at Congressional races, there are around 20 districts or so (roughly) where Hillary carried but the Democratic candidate failed to beat the GOP incumbent or challenger.

There is another factor at work in improving prospects for Democrats among white voters, and that’s white voters’ increasing belief in government again. Obamacare helped Obama in 2012, but it didn’t help Democrats during his tenure, due to GOP race baiting and Bernie Sanders’ & far left dismissal of it as half a loaf when he held out the prospect of single payer. But in 2017, the Democratic Party and brand became identified with saving health care, and white voters finally embraced Obamacare in a way they hadn’t during Obama’s tenure. In addition, the struggles the GOP Congress has had in getting its agenda passed is based in large part on the fact that it just isn’t popular. The GOP has had to use brute force politics to push things through, and it has sapped them of a lot of political capital in a relatively short period of time.

As Democrats field candidates across the country, they’re getting people who fit the district or state. That shows a party that has the flexibility to adapt to different electorates and still keep its essential message to each of its coalitions. That the party is now coalescing instead of finding ways to divide on issues of health care, minimum wage, DACA, and climate change is a good sign for 2018. The VA Governor’s race will be a key indicator of how willing the Dem coalition is to turnout and vote in a state that matters.


President Trump won Trott’s suburban Detroit seat by 50% to 45%, about the same margin Mitt Romney carried it in 2008. But President Obama won it in 2008…



Indeed. However, I would look at it on a case by case basis. It’s hard to generalize that ALL Teatrolls like this Trott bastard are showing fear of a Dem landslide election by dropping out. In some cases, I bet the greater fear is the primary.

Imagine yourself a reasonably sane libertarian (yes yes, hard to imagine, but go along with me here) type that would earn himself the moniker “moderate” when referred to on the “news” because you’re generally a fiscal conservative but aren’t a holy-roller with respect to the social/domestic issues. What you’d be looking down the barrel at is a choice: how far are you willing to go down that alt-right white nationalist rabbit hole in order to get re-elected? It can’t be that ALL of them are willing to go there. I forget his name, but TPM just covered the guy in VA who made the choice to jump right in it. I can imagine some of them may be running from it though, which is actually a bad sign. There’s no voice of reason and no tolerance for one on the right at this point. They’re engaged in a mad rush over the cliff and it seems any attempts to dissuade them, particularly from their own ranks, only convince them to run faster.


Yes it has been. The only site I know that is keeping track of these elections is Dailykos. I would think by now other people would have picked up on this. This produces the kind of internal polling that will make GOP Congressmen quit.


This was not an easy decision, but after careful consideration, I have decided that the best course for me is to spend more time with my family and return to the private sector,” Trott said in a statement.

Never heard that before.

Well, inasmuch as Romney ran in 2012, I´d guess the first 2008 is wrong. But a little proofreading would be useful, TPM.