Being a democrat I find this very sad. But, if the charges are proved true, she deserves a jail term.
Yep - corruption by any elected official is intolerable. This is as bad or worse than the sleazy McDonnells in VA, William Jefferson (LA) and Hubbard in AL.
sorry rep Corrine brown ya wanna play like a republicon you need to be treated like a republicon…and be sent to jail… if guilty
I live in Jacksonville and this woman has been an embarrassment for the Democratic party for many years. No one will be surprised by this indictment other than by why it took so damn long. Imagine a group pf folks so damn stupid they thought they could get away with a scam like the one described above. It’s easy to do if you know Rep. Brown. Good riddance.
They never learn, do they? Scamsters, and especially the political ones bring discredit to themselves and their Party. Pathetic! The amazing thing is that some of there “consters” get re-elected time and again.
If the allegations are true, show them the door… to their prison cell.
Now start investigating Trump’s charity fundraising while we are at it.
Somehow I’m getting the idea there won’t be any short-notice Congressional inquiries into this particular DoJ investigation.
Get her out. And nail every GOP crook as well.
America: The Land of Equal-Opportunity Grifting
It’s bad enough that con artists use normal human greed against their marks in conventional scams and grifts, but it’s another level of despicable to take charitable contributions made in good faith and use them to feather your own nest.
Miserable crook. Stealing not just from kids, but poor kids’ scholarship money.
Enjoy prison you thief.
I don;t have any stats, but using these 501c groups to line one’s pockets seems to be more and more common.
Don’t know what the answer is.
Some vet charities, for ex, are notorious for paying their administrators bonuses and salaries.
I’m sure the IRS can find ways to make it harder to scam these non-profits.
If only the GOP would allow the IRS to be fully funded so they can be more proactive.
If only the GOP would allow the IRS to be fully funded so they can be more proactive.
Careful… that might interrupt the wingnut welfare gravy train. Think of the poor think tanks!
Reading this story, the word that leaps to my mind is “reprehensible.”
But there are plenty of others that fit as well – deplorable, inexcusable, disgusting, indefensible, disgraceful, shameful, despicable, execrable, repugnant, sickening…and so on.
Excellent point. And I will add that in addition to the direct harm to those who could have received scholarships and didn’t, and to those whose charitable gifts were diverted to the corrupt official and her co-conspirators, the greatest damage may actually come from the indirect harm caused by discouraging others from donating to similar causes, or to charitable causes in general. And of course on an even broader level, a corrupt charity being run as a personal piggybank by a corrupt elected official is just the sort of thing that feeds the growth of cynicism toward both government, and civil society.
Reminder. No one party has a lock on crazy, but I certainly hope someone is turning over a few republicant rocks as well. The more scurrying the better; regardless of affiliation. After all, we’re approaching the height of The Silly Season.
Sounds pretty bad. Good for this action. When can we expect to see similar action in the Trump Foundation case?
Being a Democrat myself, I find this incredibly heartening. Corrine Brown has been known to be an outright crook for more than a decade. She has a well-earned reputation for using her office to benefit herself while ignoring the needs of her constituents. She only stayed in office because she had the most gerrymandered district in the entire U.S. and she adamantly defended that gerrymandering because it helped her personally, even though it harmed the party, the state, and the country.
I don’t like having crooks of any kind in office, but I especially dislike having them in office and in my own political party. Good riddance.