Discussion: Reid Suffers Injuries To Face, Ribs While Exercising At Home

Discussion for article #231589

Well, there’s a lawsuit that ought to settle quickly.


It’s high time he stopped practicing his MMA with Sharron Angle.

If I’m going to fall down I want to do it in public so others can laugh at me. That would at least distract me from the pain.

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That had to hurt!

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Get well soon.
p.s. Exercise will kill ya.


He probably tried to climb over Mitt Romney to get to the mormon temple. Those mor_ons are a
tough bunch.

Far more believable than that whooper of a lie Bush told about injuries to his face: I choked on a pretzel until I passed out, fell, hit my face on a table which dialoged the pretzel and I then recovered consciousness.

Get well Senator.
We need ya’ to Give 'em Hell in 2015 Harry!



Damn. Get well soon Senator.

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Sounds like he fell on the treadmill or elliptical. I wish him well and hope he makes a speedy recovery.


I must admit to a bonehead move. I tripped last night in the dark on my porch and did a header into the stucco covered adobe wall next to my front door. I was stunned and down for the count. But there was no serious lasting damage so no hospital visit. So, … I can fully commiserate with Senator Reid.

Here’s wishing the good Senator a speedy recovery.
Btw TPM: what was the piece of equipment that broke so that I can avoid same?


Equilibrium? That’s tough to avoid though. :wink:



I bet it was something alone these lines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWdiF0DGZV0

Holy cow! I just watched the first incident–that woman damn near qualified for a Darwin award with that stunt!

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Someone PLEASE tell me Dick Cheney was not involved!

Even better. Let’s all pitch in and buy whatever Sen. Reed has in his personal gym and gift it to Dick.

If I wanted to attract dumb people, all I’d have to do is set up a treadmill in a public space, plug it in, and turn the speed to MAX.

I like the Darth Vader attacked me and I had a mouth full of pretzels and when I went to spit them out to defend myself he cheated and punched me in the mouth idea. From then on I don’t really know what happened but I think somebody was shaking my hand. When I finally became fully awke, I had a pen in my hand and somebody was nice enough to put me in my chair. Then the wife brought me another beer to wash down the crushed pretzels in my mouth.
Life is good. lol
Get well Harry, opportunity awaits you in the Senate.


Those treadmills are dangerous in my opinion. Esp. when operated by witless folk.