Discussion for article #243636
We are in a new paradigm thanks to Trump. Hillary Clinton can take no prisoners and has to hit the GOP hard every single day. She must drive African Americans to the polls using Scalia’s very offensive, racist words from the bench and remind everyone that this SCOTUS is what happens when Democrats don’t vote.
Hit 'em again, Harry. HARDER.
“And now a Republican-appointed Supreme Court justice endorsing racist ideas from the Supreme Court bench,” Reid said. “The only difference between ideas endorse by Trump and by Scalia is that Scalia has a robe and a lifetime appointment. Ideas like this don’t belong on the Internet, let alone the mouths of national figures.” (Sen. Harry Reid-NV)
Drive this point home. Shout it from the rooftops. Scalia is a Republican appointee – and the very sort that the current Republican candidates will happily appoint again and again.
Justice Scalia has proved he is racist and cannot make an unbiased decision on affirmative action. He should disqualify himself on this case.
Trump: I am honored to be in the same company as Scalia.
Scalia: Honor is all mine. Great minds think alike.
Trump: This will make nice ad for me. My nomination is now assured. Thanks Reid.
Justice Scalia’s transportation encyclopedia:
Black’s school bus>
White’s school bus>
to be repetitive…
Scalia’s next utterance will be that they were better off on the plantation because then they’d have jobs and not need welfare…
Yeah, and it was a damned shame the Tuskegee syphilis studies were unjustly shut down. Grrrrr!!
his justification to keep it running would be…
small sacrifice for a greater good…
Sen Harry Reid, hit that racist filled comment from sicko Scalia right out of the park!
Perfectly stated, Sen Reid! Perfectly stated and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
He’s not legislating from the bench - he’s Trumping from the bench.
At last! Relief from Godwin! Xenophobic racists no longer need to be compared to Hitler. They can now be compared to Trump.
Nice. The ‘dumb class’ for college. Lovely.
"“It is deeply disturbing to hear a Supreme Court justice endorse racist ideas from the bench on the nation’s highest court,”
And very scarey,Harry.
Well I’m pretty sure that “Uncle Thomas” was nodding along with him.
Edited to add: I just love Harry’s “Take no prisoner’s” attitude. Wish it were catching, and that even Harry didn’t wait until he was retiring.
Why doesn’t this happen every day? We need a more aggressive chorus from our Democratic leaders.
Scalia used his power to affirmatively appoint George “W” Bush to the Presidency of the USA.
The same George “W”, who in-spite of his preferential position as a privileged white male, was rejected by the University of Texas School of Law.
The same George “W” who was affirmatively selected by reason of his heritage to Yale University under graduate school and affirmatively selected by Harvard University Business College.
This further disputes Scalia’s prejudice that some programs are too difficult for Blacks.
Shame on Harvard and Yale for their low admission standards. Qualified minorities would have contributed more positively to the country.