Discussion: 'Regular Order' Once Again Evades Paul Ryan As Shutdown Threat Looms



“Now the likely scenario is that they do a temporary CR, maybe for three or six months, at the same spending levels we have today, while they negotiate new spending caps. Then the appropriators can write a budget and move forward.”


Riiiight. Because right in the middle of the mid-term election cycle, I’m sure the GOP wants to get into a fist-fight with the Freedumb Caucus morons to gut the budget.


Governing is hard when the entire foundation of your ideological castle is built on the quicksand tenet that the act of governing is inherently evil.


Excuse me, but this IS “regular order” under Ryan/McConnell…


“I want my wall! I want my wall! No wall No sign paper!”

So this is the new fall lineup. Fun with budgets.


“Trump is such a wild card, and his war with Republican leaders seems to be so genuine that it’s entirely possible.”

If you had any sense at all, GOP congress critters, you knew that when you supported him. You thought Trump would sign on to your agenda, and you could control him, but it’s not working as planned.


They won’t get tax reform or anything else passed this year.


Well Ryan has not been in a showdown for awhile. Should be interesting.


How incompetent do you have to be to not get anything done when you have the majority in the House and Senate, and control of the White House?


“Ddjja hear about My Big Win? Here’s the picture! It’s the biggest and greatest CR ever. Did you know about CR’s? Most People DON’T! They don’t know! Obama didn’t know because CR’s are our Heritage! Hillary wouldn’t even TRY a CR! It’s here, I wrote it! Lemme read from it! This is me writing!
Where are you going. I wrote it!”


“Right now the law of the land says you can’t exceed $550 billion in defense and about $515 billion in non-defense spending."

It’s like walking around with an 50 pound tapeworm in your gut.


Well said.


Will this finally do it? It being finally making a majority of people see that the GOP is no longer a functional governing party? By my reckoning you have to go back at least to the G.H.W. Bush administration to find a crop of Republicans who weren’t predisposed to acts of political arson.

The lunacy started with ‘90s-era Newt Gingrich and got precipitously worse from there. Obviously, the years when Republicans enjoyed full control of government during the GWB era weren’t enough of a lesson, despite the war started on false pretenses, the debt-fueled spending and tax cuts, and the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Now Republicans have unitary control again and their own members are throwing sand in the gears as if they were still the opposition party of the Obama years.

What does it take for people to get that this isn’t working? The GOP isn’t up to the job. They have nothing to offer that will make this country a better place. Their only agenda is the unwinding of Democratic social welfare programs and looting the public patrimony for distribution to the .001%.


The way for the Speaker to achieve the dream of ‘regular order’ is to calendar enough work days in Washington DC so that committee work can get done. You can not expect congressional committee’s to write 4 trillion dollars worth of annual budget in just a 120 some odd days of work IN Washington DC.

So far, the American people are being treated like Charlie Brown, (Ryan is Lucy) always pulling the football away at the last minute.


There has been a long list of ineffective, total hypocritical, and immoral Republican House speakers - but Paul Ryan is quickly ascending to the top of the list.

Paul Ryan wouldn’t be near the Capitol building if it wasn’t for government programs that saved his ass - including Social Security disability benefits after his father’s death. And then we have his college education and how tax payers funded that as well!

Now Paul Ryan is out to cut the very programs that supported and benefited him and his family! What a complete ass hole! And he has the worst smirk in the world to go with it. The definition of immoral = Paul Ryan. May he wrought in hell!


The problem with the GOP is that they have decided to believe an impossibility. They really, really believe that cutting taxes (revenue) and increasing spending on the military contractors will automatically become a balanced budget. That belief is so ingrained into the GOP now that they will possibly never be able to govern again. Now, add their belief that increasing CO2 in the atmosphere will not result in major climate changes. And, their belief that digging up fossil carbon, buried underground, where it has been isolated for many thousands of years, cannot possibly do any harm, even though it all becomes CO2 in the atmosphere eventually. The GOP joins the Confederacy in the graveyard of history.


You nailed it in one paragraph


Ryan looks like he’s having trouble passing gas in that picture.


Why did Congress take off the entire month of August, if they have so much of “the people’s” work to do?
What is the reason for “year in and year out” for Congress to take a entire month off off, can anyone answer my question?