Discussion for article #227423
Yeah sorry about loosing Miami and New Orleans but it was just to hard to talk about…
" The reasoning behind it doesn’t matter."
Yes it does. You jackasses LIED your faces off, and now you are dancing around the label while you make arrangements to deal with the problem you stated DOESN’T EXIST.
How and why should anyone ever trust you. And why should we let ANYONE off this hook?
I hope your crops die and the bank takes your farm, you gleefully-hateful hypocrite.
Self serving assholes.
Reality doesn’t care what you call it.
That’s impressive denial. Anything to not admit ever being wrong.
GOP : Global warming is a hoax!! Al Gore is fat!!
Dem : What are you doing with that project?
GOP : Oh, we are being diligent
Dem : Diligent about what?
GOP : Just making sure we’re prepared for all the crazy weather that has been occurring due to unusually warm temperatures around the globe.
Dem : You mean global warming?
GOP : NO!! That is a hoax! This is just being diligent.
Dem : Uh, OK.
You mean like, “Hot as a witches tittie this century, ain’t it, hon?” Or maybe, “Just give it a few decades, and it’ll be even hotter. Gotta enjoy it while you can, don’tcha know.”
Oh, you meant political bull to cover their willful blindness. Never mind.
It’s GawdSwill…doncha know.
“The pattern illustrates a growing disconnect between…” GOBaggers and reality. TFIFY
Hey, at least they are getting prepared, which is going to be cheaper for the rest of us in the long run when they come crying for disaster relief money.
can you imagine what the great grandchildren of these assholes will say when they ask why is it so bad outside why is there war and drought and famine why are we fighting over water and who is responsible for all this didn’t we do any planning .we knew it was coming wasn’t anyone paying attention…??? the answer yes we were but there were some of us like your great grandpa who denied what was happeining because of his and the republicons greed of power ,influence and money…is why were in this position
To be fair to cities that are taking action, a lot of the funding for projects necessary to mitigate the effects of GW is federal, and a whole lot of that funding is of the “use it or lose it” type. Time is of the essence to get things done. So in order to get those things done, the engineers and local politicians juist cut to the chase and use whatever teminology is easiest and necessary to get the projects started. Arguing about the root causes of GW is a waste of time at the local level. There’s federal money available. We can use it for this project. This is how we’ll use it, and this is how that project will help us in the future. Money and action are the only variables that really count. Ideology counts for a lot less when the rubber meets the road, and sadly, climate change is still in the realms of ideology for the deniers. Facts don’t really matter.
[Obligatory statement contrasting denial and river in Egypt.]
I live here in Long Beach Calif and I’m part of the planning for the Southeast Area Development and Improvement (SEADIP) hearings. These are the public hearing for the development plans for the southeast area of Long Beach. Tidal rise is one of the main considerations. The question was asked is this global warming? After a little hemming and hawing the basic answer was yes. So communities like mine are taking global warming into consideration under a number of different titles like tidal increases.
Always reminds me of this:
Understanding global climate change is an IQ test. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans scores very low, and the Oligarchy uses that fact as the first line of defense of the status quo. When your livelihood depends on your NOT understanding—it’s hard to shine a light.
Loving it.
But the real issue here is that these climate change un-deniers are still only addressing effects and symptoms, not underlying causes.
Freedom Dykes!!
I don’t know what the direct descendants will be saying, but I can make some guesses about the ideological descendants.
They will blame climate scientists, assuring us that they would have heeded the warnings if the scientists hadn’t destroyed their own credibility through fraud and data manipulation. Also, they will note that the models didn’t get the timing and severity of the change exactly on the nose.
They also will blame Democrats. They will tell us that conservatives would have invested early on in projects and programs that would have increased economic growth and reduced climate change by working together with business, but the Democrats wanted to use the issue to point the finger of blame on business and to wastefully give massive amounts of money to political supporters with no impact on climate change.
Predicting the future behavior of people who ignore inconvenient reality is easy, because I don’t have to predict what future reality will be.