Discussion: READ: Senate Intel Previews Election Cyber-Security Recommendations

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It took how long to come up with the things I have read on the fake news since Trump was elected?

Translation. The election system is unsafe, and our enemies can disrupt elections.

The good news is that our enemies want to elect Republicans.

For now.

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In calling for states to update their election technology, the summary recommends that states going forward purchase voting machines that at “a minimum” have a “voter-verified paper trail and no WiFi capability.”

The fact that voting machines even come with wifi is mind-boggling. I realize there is a cost issue with purchasing new machines but any state that doesn’t follow these most basic of security guidelines, including two factor authentication on voter rolls (again, how was that not standard?) and doesn’t purchase machines for all districts instead of just large white rural districts, should be looked at as actively trying to interfere with an honest and open election process.