Discussion: READ: Senate Intel Committee Vice Chair's Opening Statement

Sessions says Russian interference in our lections cannot be tolerated… he might want to inform his boss of that point.

Since the comments on the live stream of Session’s testimony are off for now, I guess we’ll have to use this post.

Shorter Sessions:
Colleagues. Former Colleagues. I am appalled. I don’t recall. We’re going after drug dealers and gangs.

Laughable moment: “The people of this country expect an honest and transparent government and that’s what we’re giving them.”

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The comment section seems to be turned off on recent threads, but this hearing is. A. Complete. Waste. of. Time. Lying, filibustering, deflection, bullshit questions by GOP. Phone it in ferchissake.

Invoking executive privilege without saying it… no legal basis but just “not proper”… this is not helping with the credibility gap.

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The tell that proves who is a Trounce lackey is the refusal to answer questions, basically the 5th amendment in action.

The ones that won’t talk move way up the list of who gets the most scrutiny.

This is the nation’s top cop and he’s obstructing justice. The penalties for this have to be very severe because, he knows better and it’s his job to know better and do better.

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Up until Wyden’s questions, Sessions has be fairly good at equivocating… but fatally just made a declarative statement about the problematic aspects of his recusal with: “there are none”. Just opened himself up to being contradicted - again - about his testimony under oath.