Discussion: READ: Mueller's Letter To Barr

Well, yes and no about being bad at it. They have gotten away with this kind of thing for a long time.

Perhaps the GOP has gotten away with these kinds of things for so long even while increasing their amplitude that may be they forgot there might be some limits? Or may be there are worse things yet to know and it is worth significant risk to keep on this same track?

My guess, both are true.


Seriously. Someone needs to make a formal complaint to the Bar(HA!) Association. This is Obstruction of Justice.


Same here. This letter restores some faith I had lost in Mueller’s integrity (or at least his willingness to put country over protocol) in the weeks following the completion of the report. He’s not going quietly. I had read some of the news coverage and caught some of the shows last night, but still, that is some letter. No holds barr-ed, if you will.


That’s not C&K, which is preventing a story from coming out in the first place. This is more like filter and distort, i.e. what Fox, Luntz and the rest of the RWNM has been doing since Nixon. Sometimes they outright lie, but usually they just spin. It usually works. It won’t this time.


Hmmmmm…sounds to me that this is the end of a beautiful friendship, wives or no wives.

Why would Barr be so stupid as to believe a thorough, careful and honorable investigator wouldn’t continue to document anything untoward or suspicious following his hand over of such an important document?

Guess I’m gonna have to go rummage in the attic for my old “It’s Mueller Time” sign, ‘cause I think Barr is about to get muellered…


Lindsay Graham just repeated Barr’s actual lie that Mueller said there was no collusion, which he did not say and was one of the reasons he sent Barr this letter and made those phone calls to him. They’re obviously just doubling down on the lies and extreme spin and hoping that’s what the public hears and thinks.

It won’t work. Not this time. We have Mueller’s actual words, in his report, in his summaries, in this letter, in the hearsay typifying what he said to Barr, and in his coming testimony to both houses of congress. They’re like Kevin Bacon in Animal House before he got flattened. Remain calm! All is well! Ahhhhhhh!

Hah! Lindsay just said “fucking idiot” on TV! He’s quoting Strozk’s texts, to make him look biased, but I bet he agrees with him 100% and is trying to play this both ways since he doesn’t know how this ends. They’re all hedging. I can feel it. The dam is breaking, or at least showing fault lines and cracks.


I need to get to a Barr. When do they open?


My guess, either the Receptionist or the Barr toady (Ed Callahan?) sent out to the Reception desk to render a written receipt acknowledgment on Mueller’s office copy by the Mueller staffer under specific direction to demand a written acknowledgment before he/she allowed the Receptionist or Barr toady (Ed Callahan?) to keep the signed original.


I think because they don’t have to be good at it. In an age of media silos or epistemic closure or the rightwing noise machine or whatever you care to call it, you don’t have to plausibly explain away anything, or make a rational case. You just assert that everything you’re doing is historically perfect and crudely lie in your denials of any and all scandals, accusing the other side of exactly what you did. Not only does it work for your base, it can sway quite a few of the Great Inattentive, who make up say 85 percent of the population.


Powerful people have always been able to get away with a lot. We all know that. This just strikes me as egregious even for them. Plus, there’s something so stupid about all this. Like did ya’ll really think you weren’t going to at least get caught? I fully understand why they wouldn’t think there’d be any legal consequences, but they seem to approach these things thinking no one is ever going to know.


Yeah, the thing about Trump is he can’t even get competent corrupt people, just over-the-hill has-beens or hacks. Barr genuinely thought this was going to be good for a cover up and now it’s blown up in his face in record time


OMG they’re panicking already! Did you see Barr’s face trembling? Trump and the GOP’s last gasp house of cards is coming down and they’re running for cover. To be frank, they’ll all be under wood fairly soon. Heh.


This. Is. Great. Stuff.

Let Mueller testify! With his team backing him up. Then they take on Barr and the other toadies in a game of dodge ball or red rover.


Come to Louisville. Starting Friday they don’t close until Monday morning.


I’m there! And we all know that Louisville’s got wood, good wood.

(Reference to the 2x4 Mueller just thwacked Barr and Trump over the head with.)


Brian Williams last night ran, for his panel of WaPo reporters who broke the story, a clip of Sean Hannity raving about the Mueller Letter story.

When Roger Ailes decided a GOP friendly media outlet would have saved Nixon, who knew they would have to expend/totally cash in that outlet’s now waning credibility on preserving an inept, corrupt weakling who had been a celebrity buffoon and Russian asset?


Graham: Whaaaa! What about Hillary’s emails! Whaaaa!



Doug fir is soft wood, if bought new from a lumber yard and not old construction. It’s an easy cut if your saw is reasonably sharp. Just mark a pencil line and go.


For all you pre-Sabrmetric baseball fans who remember when you could buy Louisville Sluggers AND Adirondacks at your local, non-chain, sporting goods stores.