Discussion: READ: Mueller's Full Remarks On End Of Russia Investigation


Not sure what is the reasoning behind Mueller lack of forcefulness. He has seen the lengths that Barr has gone to justify and protect the president including attacking his own department. So I guess none of this bothers Mueller. What is he afraid of? Getting fired? Trump insulting him on twitter?


He’s clinging to the chimeric belief that an honest broker can exist in such a poisoned environment…


Perhaps it has to do with the fact that his wife has to go to Bible study with Mrs. Barr on a regular basis. He basically said that he thinks the President committed a crime but it was not within his authority to do anything about it. The House is doing what they should be doing and what Mueller intended that they do, follow up his investigation with an investigation of their own. There is nothing anywhere that says that Mueller’s conclusions preempt Congressional action. To the contrary, that action is implicit in what Mueller has said.


Hey Deep State, this might be a good time to leak the unredacted report.


His wish to disappear now is ridiculous. After having spent a few years researching and writing a thesis (the ‘Mueller’ Report), a grad student or similar does not just hand in that thesis and walk away. They have to defend that thesis to the best of their ability in front of peers (the American people) and a committee of knowledgeable professors (Congress and its lawyers).

Without that defense, the thesis/report will just get filed away and forgotten, which is already happening on the Repub side (except for Amash).


The "Deep State’ does exsit, but like the Military-Industrial Complex it only cares about the welfare of it’s own members. If Barr does get serious about “investigating the investigators” and people in the DOJ & FBI start getting charged or fired, then is when you will see the “Deep State” fighting back.

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I think the redactions are a red herring. They’re not going to be some mind blowing game changer. It’s a mistake to focus on that. There is more than enough in the report to proceed.

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Not to mention the underlying evidence.


I keep remembering that he’s a Republican.

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I’m fine with many of the redactions: GJ material should remain secret (unless and until a formal impeachment is underway); national security/“investigative technique” and “harm to ongoing matter” likewise – with the caveat that someone (trustworthy) should review those redactions to make sure they’re legit, given Barr’s well-established propensity to hide the ball and lie on behalf of his bosses. “Personal privacy”, otoh, can hide a multitude of sins, and looks like a fount of bullshit to me.

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