Discussion: READ: Manafort’s Foreign Agent Filing Details His Richly-Paid Work For Ukraine

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Lobbyist’s, the world’s oldest profession.

At least prostitutes have self-respect and earn their money…


So what kind of proof would you have that someone had received off-the-books cash payments from a slush fund? It’s not typically the thing where you give receipts.

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Contrary to the headline, my understanding is that Manafort was actually working AGAINST an independent Ukraine. He was working… of course… for a pro-Russian political wing

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Describe fully the nature and method of performance of the above indicated agreement or understanding:

Provided strategic counsel and advice to members of the Party of Regions regarding their interactions with U.S. government officials and other Western influential persons to advance the goal of greater political and economic integration between the Ukraine and the West.

Given the way Manafort and the Russians and their Ukranian wing operated at the time, I would be gobsmacked if those ledgers showing $12.7 million to Manafort weren’t valid.

And that raises the question, if they were valid, was that $12.7 million part of the $17 million Manafort is now grudgingly admitting he received without reporting it to the U.S. as a registered agent, or in addition to. In the latter case, that would put his “winnings” at close to $30 million.

And let us not forget the additional chunkachange he reportedly got as a “loan” to buy a house, soon after he stepped down from the Trump campaign amidst the swirl of damaging charges against him.

Federal investigators have subpoenaed records related to a $3.5 million mortgage that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort took out on his Hamptons home just after leaving the campaign, according to a source familiar with the matter.

The mortgage document that explains how Manafort would pay back the loan was never filed with Suffolk County, New York — and Manafort’s company never paid up to $36,000 in taxes that would be due on the loan.

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Manafort getting paid millions to water down language in the GOP platform on the issue of Russian aggression against Ukraine is one of the smokiest guns in the entire Russiagate investigation.


There’s a word for that, starts with c-o-l, “collision”?

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Paul Manafort. So handsome. So photogenic.

The pretty American face obscuring heinous Russian war crimes. For lots and lots of money.

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It’s rare to encounter such a straightforward quid pro quo in political corruption.

The secret ledgers of Ukrainian bribes story broke in August 2016.
Paul manafort resigned from the campaign within a week.

His lawyer says that he’s been working on his retroactive filling paperwork since September 2016. This is supposed to be a Defense of his actions?


Are you sure that court stenographers didn’t exist before sexual prostitution?

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