Discussion for article #233911
Condensed version:
“To Sheldon Adelson, to all here assembled, and to that Kenyan Muslin uslurper in the White House, I beseech you to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran as your hero Senator John McCain advised. Thank you, America.”
It was a good speech and It’d be nice to hear from the President now why he’s going to heed or disregard his advice. It’d be nice to hear from the Speaker why he thinks a foreign leader should dictate American foreign policy.
will there be a tea party response to the speech or are we just going with Rand Paul this time?
I’m not your pawn, Binyamin.
If you want to kill Iranians, do it yourself. On your own dime.
Well, you got your wish. The President appears to agree with you on the speech, but he didn’t detect any practical and/or useful advice in it.
I was slightly surprised at the mildness of its war mongering parts. It struck me that what’s been the context for this speech all along is to create a big important platform for Bibi to make a speech that makes him look big and important and Churchillian and STATESMANLIKE on the world stage, as a last ditch push up a very steep re-election hill.
So, everyone got what they wanted, in some sense: Bibi got his Churchill hour election campaign speech [well, except it was blacked-out in Israel – as if that has any real meaning in this era], Boehner gets some mild cover for leading the GOP cave on the DHS funding bill; Pelosi gets to look like the real Speaker [as usual]; Obama gets some positive feedback from Iran on slammin’ Bibi’s Day Out speech, and Iran and Kerry get to conclude their negotiations.
The only thing missing is the full credit Republicans earned for being the party of letting foreign leaders dictate terms to the United States.