Discussion: READ: House Intel Committee Subpoenas Rick Gates, Michael Flynn

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So I thought they both had deals with the DOJ that REQUIRED them to cooperate. WTF?

ETA: https://www.vox.com/2018/2/23/17045484/gates-plea-deal-full-text-russia-investigation

The plea agreement doesn’t mention Congress specifically.

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Perhaps this is why Flynn hired Powell. Trump is trying to make sure that Flynn doesn’t cooperate with Congress. Trump is probably giving Flynn an opportunity to be a conservative hero and back him up post sentencing. Pardons are also possible but it didn’t seem to me that Flynn would face that long a jail sentence from Judge Sullivan. Pardons mean acceptance of guilt and you then have no immunity from testifying. You might run into the same executive privilege argument again.

All in all, I think Trump’s team has thought through what could happen in a formal impeachment inquiry and they don’t want heavy hitters like Gates and Flynn on national tv. The hiring of Powell might be an obstruction strategy. I suspect Trump’s donors are paying for Flynn’s legal bills.


Flynn seems to be playing a very risky game. Judge Sullivan wasn’t very happy with him last time, and this surely won’t help, even if not directly in his cooperation agreement.

Trump’s not coughed up pardons yet, wonder if Flynn really thinks he’s getting one without having done any time.


Flynn’s deal looks similar:

Can Schiff issue a criminal contempt complaint?


No, criminal contempt charges have to go through DOJ. Schiff can refer a complaint to DOJ, but anyone with a functioning brain stem can predict how that would go.


I was afraid of that. Thanks. They have absolutely no shame or scruples. McTurtle is probably laughing his evil laugh just watching all of this.


I just want to point out that the estimable Sidney Powell, Esq. receives her legal correspondence at her freaking condo on Turtle Creek Blvd. She doesn’t even bother with a maildrop, much less an actual office for all of her super lawyerin’ stuff. 1,374 sq. ft., according to DCAD.

ETA: State Bar of Texas also lists her home address as the location of her “law firm.”


I predict Judge Sullivan will require Flynn to produce the documents and testify prior to determining Flynn’s sentence.

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Good insights. Thanks.

“Pardons are also possible but it didn’t seem to me that Flynn would face that long a jail sentence from Judge Sullivan.” Not sure I agree with that. Sullivan seemed pretty mad at Flynn for trying to avoid taking responsibility for his actions during initial sentencing hearing (which was postponed so Flynn could give it more thought). I seem to recall that Sullivan almost accused Flynn of treason. Or perhaps he used the work “treasonous” and then had to walk that back. Anyway, Sullivan did not seem happy.

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So did Flynn do the thing where he pled to only one count but his statement effectively admitted guilt on a bunch of others? I seem to remember that federal judges are allowed to take such things into account when sentencing.