It’s just lucky for Conway that in this administration, both laws and subpoenas are optional.
Lock her up!
Lock her up! Lock her up!
Gee, another GOP criminal exposed!
No wonder this is the most corrupt Presidency in our history. Conway is a Senior Counselor to the Pres. She gives good advice about how to be better criminals, apparently.
With George Conway having seen through Donald Trump’s mental illness, incompetence, and grotesquely unpatriotic and self-serving behavior, is it now time for him to see the same enabling behavior in his wife?? Just sayin’. How can George Conway condemn Trump in such harsh terms and remain in his marriage?? Just sayin’…again. What is going on??
Conway seems to be complaining that the Hatch Act limits the free speech of Federal employees. Of course it does. That is the express purpose of the Hatch Act. You might complain about that idea, but that is what the law was designed to do, and what it does.
It’s 10 minutes after 5:00 in D.C.
Not only has Trump not drained the swamp, but his whole administration stinks like noxious bog gas.
First they need to explain to the GOP what “egregious” means…
Remember that no one in the Drumpf Crime Administration ever does anything wrong, never commits a crime. We, the misinformed, the fools and peasants, always see it incorrectly or don’t get the joke. KAC has never violated the Hatch Act because it’s always the haters who make shit up. Such is the monotonous, incessant braying of every lousy puke who works with/for the most illegitimate president in US history.
One of these days, Conway is going to show one of her creepy grins and her face is going to split.
Goddess only knows what will be inside of her.
This Kreepy Kelly Konway swamp creature should resign from her no-work White House job and stop feeding at the taxpayer trough. That will free her up to express her opinions freely. She can be a salesperson, pass out scent samples and shrill for Iwanka’s fashion line.
Think Alien, or Carpenter’s The Thing.
So… How long before Trump blocks the dude from testifying on “Executive Privilege” grounds…
I’m imagining the world first and only semi-sentient tapeworm. It will be removed and kept alive for display at the National Zoo. Don’t miss feeding time at 10am and 4pm!
Or George, madly pulling levers and desperately trying to pull the Kellyanne disguise back over him.
LOCK her UP!
When she’s finished laughing at them, Trump will forbid her from showing up and here we go again with the flaunting of the law.
Yeah, they’ll issue a subpoena - there are newborns that have more teeth than these subpoenas.
White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway’s alleged Hatch Act violations.
Nothing alleged about it, she violated the Hatch Act, as a matter of fact, as determined by the Office of Special Counsel, the only organization that can determine such a thing.