Discussion for article #232866
I think it was the conservative economic policies that got the US where it is now. When George W. Bush cut taxes for the top 1 percent it hastened the destruction of the middle class and ushered in a plutocracy. If Jeb Bush wants this country to go back to those same policies I think the American people will reject him and his conservative policies.
Let me guess, the Right to Rise plan will be tax cuts for the rich, and less regulation?
Here’s what he won’t talk about in Detroit:
He was against the Detroit Auto Bailout (in case you don’t want to click the link), and basically his attitude and outlook is exactly the same as RMoney. So stuff it Jeb. Take your fluffy words and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine…which ironically is Michigan these days, thanks to Gov. Snyder’s ability to avoid capitalizing on a perfect opportunity and the fucking weather.
No doubt as affective as their alternatives to universal health care, social security, etc.
In other words, he’s got NOTHING. No plan, no ideas, just slogans. I’m glad he admits that there is a huge problem of economic inequality in the country, but the rest is platitudes and veiled attacks on the current resident of the White House. C-minus, needs more effort.
Who could possibly have guessed that, once Republicans suddenly became concerned about growing poverty, the shrinkage of the middle class, the decline in real wages for the bottom 80%, rather than just dismissing it “class warfare” and grabbiness by the parasitic moochers, their prescription for solving those problems would turn out to be tax cuts for rich people and eliminating burdensome regulation?
It will be trickle-down economics all over again, just in different words. And the media will fawn all over it as if it is all new, completely forgetting that trickle-down economics is what led to massive job losses while corporations made profits overseas. Heck, Wolf Blitzer ® will likely say something like, “Why can’t the Obama administration do something like this?”
The platitudes sound nice … until you realize about half the GOP presidential field is going to be spouting them. Then ask him about what he did for economic mobility as FL governor, then the hemming and hawing starts. Game. So. Over.
[quote] How do we restore America’s faith in the moral promise of our great
nation that any child born today can reach further than their parents?
This is an urgent issue: Far too many Americans live on the edge of economic ruin.
And many more feel like they’re stuck in place, working longer and harder, even as they’re losing ground.
Tens of millions of Americans no longer see a clear path to rise above their challenges. [/quote]
One answer to ALL of the above: Raise taxes (significantly) on the wealthy. There’s not enough money left in circulation now to support the rest of us with 50% of all of it going to less than 200 people worldwide.
Clearly another Bush is not gonna make 'Merica or the middle-class (what little remains) any better. It would only hasten our demise.
Let me guess, the Right to Rise plan will be tax cuts for the rich, and less regulation?
Also, block grants to states for god-knows-what, school vouchers and fire teachers.
“Six years after the recession ended, median incomes are down, households are, on average, poorer … and millions of people have given up looking for a job altogether.”
No mention of what caused the recession (conservative principles as practiced by … oh, what was his name again???); no mention that wages have been flat since the conservative principle of trickle down economics were introduced. This is a nice way to try to pin most of the blame on the current president. I hope folks don’t fall for these empty platitudes.
TPM must have left out the good part, because I sure missed it. Not one single solution was offered. PURE BS.
No one ever went broke underestimating the American public. Or do you prefer There’s a sucker born every minute. Made in America aphorisms for real Americans.
And Jeb can recite his whole spiel in Spanish; 2016 will be a rough row to hoe, thanks to 2010 and 2014!
Tens of millions of Americans no longer see a clear path to rise above their challenges.
What a dick. Tens of millions barely describes unemployment, much less the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Americans living in working poverty.
For several years now, they have been recklessly degrading the value of work, the incentive to work, and the rewards of work.
Which is why you’re switching to the Democratic Party and running on a liberal social agenda?
Let’s define this path first by the core principles of a Right to Rise society because once we do that, the policies, the laws and the way forward will be much clearer.
So, he thinks America will be served best as a Right to Work country, which will greatly clarify the path to increasing wealth. Every Amercian worker will be given a free set of kneepads to freely decide if they want an opportunity to blow their way to the top.
Let’s deliver real conservative success. And you know what will happen? We’ll create a whole lot of new conservatives.
Sure, hand all the rights to the wealthy and allow them to make their own rules. Instant automatons who bleat the propaganda of the moment spewed by the State TV… formerly know as FOX News.