Discussion: READ: DOJ IG Releases Report On Ex-Deputy FBI Director McCabe


The report is dated February 2018, and it says:

"The OIG is issuing this report to the FBI for such action that it deems to be appropriate."

No recommendation at all, and definitely no suggestion that he should be thrown under the bus on the eve of his retirement with a forfeiture of his pension. That was all Trump.

I’ve just gotta say …

If I had been granted a free look at one guaranteed-accurate 2018 prediction three years ago, and that prediction had been:

“A terminated deputy director of the FBI will have a Gofundme account for legal defense expenses, and you will contribute to it” …

I’d be too stunned to wonder what else was on that list.


Doesn’t it just FIGURE that Hillary would somehow be to blame for this…ONE MORE TIME. ‘Lacked candor’…oh yeah. We have a President that lies with every breath. A DOJ that sucks up to him and enables his lies and McCabe ‘lacks candor’. JHC.


Lack of candor? In the ordinary meaning of the term, “lack of candor” is the FBI’s stock in trade: they always tell the truth, but they never tell the whole truth. Nobody expects the FBI to be “candid” as we generally use the term. So is there some technical meaning?
Or is the IG being mealy-mouthed while looking stern?


Cockholster’s goal is to undermine our faith in all of our institutions. It’s working.


Only if you were quick after it blew up on Twitter and it ~quadrupled its original goal in three or four days before being shut down…


Are FBI agents, or anyone in any hearing for that matter, expected to display “candor”.

I’d be interested in knowing what this actually means. I mean, Mark Zuckerberg wasn’t “candid”. And I don’t think anyone expected him to be.

Usually the expectation is to answer the questions you are asked in a truthful manner.


Looks like Cohen may turn out to be the latch key to unraveling many mysteries- his arrogance is paying dividends.


“McCabe’s termination as Deputy FBI Director — just hours before he would have been eligible for the bureau’s full retirement package — came as Trump was escalating his war on the FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.”

Trump is the kind of horrid, spiteful, vindictive a$$hole who makes other horrid, spiteful, vindictive a$$oles sit up and say, “Now, there’s a horrid, spiteful, vindictive a$$hole!”


Speak for yourself, I think… I’ve never been a greater apologist for the national security establishment.

The only federal institution in which I’ve lost a whole lot of faith in this shitpile failure of an administration has been HPSCI.


So McCabe was fired because he confirmed that the Clinton Foundation was under FBI investigation just before the election. You’d think he’d be a hero Trump and Fox News.


Something about Trump makes me extremely happy for the Constitution and the “permanent government” that works in many different administrations before they retire. And he really makes you understand why we absolutely need a national security bureaucracy and courts and prosecutors and prisons.


I’m suddenly hearing Joe Ely’s cover of Butch Hancock’s “Row of Dominoes” in my head.


Apparently the FBI and the DoJ are held to a far higher standard than is the president of the United States. Lacking candor does not mean McCabe lied.


“Comey had told the IG investigators that McCabe did not inform Comey that he had greenlit the leak. The IG report — citing other evidence that backed Comey’s account — sided with Comey’s retelling of that conversation.”

But, the president says Comey is a LEAKER & LIAR and untruthful slime ball. How can we take this report seriously?


I found the the NY Times article poorly written and it obfuscates just exactly who or what was being investigated.

I could find absolutely no reference to the fact that the investigation he authorized contact
/leak/disclosure about, with the Wall Street Journal reporter, was re Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Given the noise from Trump one would infer it was about the “fake news” Russia investigation or other dodgy aspects of the Trump campaign.

Can we get the “A Team” on this?


I know, right? Shit, some of the things I know the local FBI have done - lack of candor is a very nice way of putting it.


Shouldn’t have gone shooting his mouth off to that liberal rag the Wall Street Journal.

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And excepting the Attorney General apparently.



Let me make sure I got this right, to be a Republican you have to believe that the FBI that released false accusations of criminal wrong doing by Hillary Clinton over carless use of emails just before the 2016 presidential elections and at the same time withheld information about Donald Trump collaborating with Vladimir Putin and Russia to criminally influence the election for Donald Trump was bias for Hillary who they caused to lose the election and against Trump who they caused to win the election.

Even this story, about McCabe’s wrong doings in regard to McCabe leaking information before the election about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation just days before the election which again benefited Trump over Clinton, Trump is claiming is proof of bias against Trump.

Trump and the Republicans should be laughed out of town. What the overwhelming support of Donald Trump and this obvious fraud by Evangelical’s and “values” voters proves is that “values” in front of the word voter does not mean truth but is merely code for race.