So basically white meet wash. See you in 2020 a$$holes – looks like we’ll have to take care of this ourselves.
The Special Counsel obtained a number of indictments and convictions of individuals and entities in connection with his investigation, all of which have been publicly disclosed.
Except for 13 sealed indictments, which are not public.
Whitewashing so hard he forgot what’s already known.
At this point, I’m not sure which 13 you mean. Could you point me in the general direction?
The Special Counsel’s decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime. …Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence… is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.
There you have it. Mueller wouldn’t state outright that Trump obstructed justice, so it falls to the stooge that Trump hand-picked for this purpose.
Barr is a solid royalist. If the police had Trump in cuffs because he was caught on tape murdering a child with his bare hands, and Trump then fired those police officers, Barr wouldn’t call it obstruction.
Cue Kavanaugh and Gorsuch with their line that “as long as the laws of physics provide a non-corrupt justification for exercise of presidential powers, there cannot be corruption.”
Justice has failed us. The Oval Office is now the world’s most effective getaway vehicle.
If I read the most byzantine portion correctly, Mr. Barr seems, despite his protestations to the contrary, to be saying that obstruction requires a likely criminal proceeding to be obstruction. And if you can’t indict a president, there’s not a likely criminal proceeding. So it’s not obstruction. Even though it would be.
As if he considered the indictment part only in that one way, but without considering whether the president could be indicted for obstruction. Thanks for the headache. Also the nothing.
AG Barr gets his free membership to anything trump.
Trumps Plane
Any trump hotel
Any golf club resort
Free immigrate labor
Free massages with happy endings
and of course, trumps favorite, rent a special needs assistant
Welcome to the slime world of trump Mr. Ag Barr
I read on this site last week there were 13 sealed indictments still floating around.
Barr’s summary says there are no more sealed indictments remaining. That doesn’t seem possible, because I’ve not seen any news revealing the targets of those indictments.
Now I can’t find the article, at least, not easily.
Well, thanks for trying! I am really curious about that. I’ll look into it, see what I turn up.
Ok, so all Democratic 2020 candidates (and Bernie).
It is now abundantly clear who the clear and present danger is. Donnie and the corrupt GOP are your campaign targets, not each other.
Honestly, I’m not surprised by the Russian result…it’s really easy to create a conspiracy while hiding it from an investigation, so the actual connections that might have existed may not have been found. It’s also quite likely that Trump and company are so incompetent that the Russians figured actually working with them was a bad idea, and that they would do better to interfere on their own terms. You would have the same election result, and the same chaos, if the Russians did all the work on their own…and it’s easy to see “collusion by the campaign” turn into “specific bad acts by people” if the Trump campaign wasn’t directing the actions of people like Manafort when they gave over information.
In other words, the Trump campaign was likely saved from colluding with the Russians because they were too incompetent to take advantage of it.
I guess they figure the obstruction was meaningless yelling by Trump, while Trump’s lawyers managed to keep him from doing anything worse. And, all the bad behavior just didn’t have an effect on the investigations in a substantive way, so it’s not critical. It’s still called out as bad behavior though, and it really should not have happened, but Barr will let it pass because it’s not policy to indict the president.
All in all, it doesn’t change much…no one is going to think any differently, and that would likely be true no matter what the report said. We still need to work to defeat the Republicans in 2020, impeachment was never going to be viable as long as Republicans hold the Senate. The frustration of watching people get away with this crap needs to be turned into action to take over the government and pass laws that make sure this can never, ever happen again.
Yeah I’m really confused about this. I saw on TV all last night that there were no more indictments and no one, including most of the usual MSNBC legal analysts, talked about sealed indictments. Do we really know that there are sealed indictments somewhere relating to the Trump Org, campaign, admin, and/or family?
Perhaps. But as many of the TV lawyers have pointed out, a conspiracy does not have to succeed to have the participants guilty of conspiracy, and if Don Jr., Kushner, and Manafort were not eagerly attempting to conspire with Russians who promised to help get Trump elected, then I really don’t understand something.
Let’s not forget that after the meeting was arranged but before it took place, Trump announced that he’d have a press conference afterwards with some “very interesting information” about Hillary. So, clearly all in on the conspiracy, as I understand it, and expecting quick results, even if they didn’t get them at that time.
so far …
Dozens of sealed indictments remain filed in D.C. federal court
spanning the nearly two years Mueller’s been on the job.
and …