Barr Releases Yet Another Letter To Congress On Redacted Mueller Report
He’s quite the epistle, our William.
Nobody really cares what he has to say about it now. I guess this one is the pure CYA letter?
Hey look another summary (spin) that no one asked for.
“trump’s people are holding my family hostage in the basement of Comet Ping Ping Pizza. He says they will not be harmed if he’s not impeached”
This is entirely consistent with Trump’s tendency to repeat his lies in rapid succession usually in groups of three, Drop in a few instances of “Frankly” and “This I will tell you” and it could be verbatim.
And as for your request to see the full, unredacted report, we’ll see.
The letter redacting the prior letter redacting the report, has been redacted.
And a Moose byt my Sanders.
Please substitute these lies for last week’s. Do we even need to read the letter?
From now on, all redacted reports should be referred to as: A Barr Code.
I think you may need to call a press conference to release that summary.
Impeach this motherfucker too.
The Bill-bury Dough Boy sounds scared.
From the late great Ron Ziegler:
“That statement is no longer operative.”
I’m not sure Barr is doing himself any favours these days…
Saint he ain’t.
Dear Attorney Gaslighter,
You are regurgitating your previous verbal contortions again! Why can you NOT quote the full sentence from Muller’s Report re:collusion?
Just like your son-in-law can give you and Individual1 deniability, Wikileaks gives Trump et al and Putin deniability. So of course you won’t find links that Trump et al “helped” in the dissemination of stolen email BUT Trump on TV asked Russia to find HRC’s 30k emails! Putin/Russia answered thru Wikileaks!
More important, wrt to the POTUS, it is NOT incumbent upon you to make the decision to prosecute or not since you are NOT the Special Counsel AND by virtue of the DOJ policy, the wrong doing of a sitting POTUS is adjudicated through Congress first!
STOP Gaslighting America
STOP Grabbing Power from Congress
And DO NOT forget, you are the USAG for the American People!
If you want to be the Attorney Cover-Up General of INDIVIDUAL1, you are free to do so by leaving your current job!
All Americans deserve to have an independent, impartial and lawful USAG.
We do not deserve to have an Attorney Gaslighter moonlighting as Attorney Cover-Up General of Individual1 or Attorney Cruello General imposing more hardships to legal asylum seekers!
Why have you NOT recused?
1- It seems that there are conflicts of interest that are troubling for Barr wrt to Russia ie Alpha Bank, Vector Group, Och-Ziff Capital Management And Deutsche Bank!
2- Barr has already predetermined that Individual1 cannot commit obstruction of justice in his unsolicited memo
3-Barr’s son-in-law was hired shortly after he was confirmed AG as Individual1’s legal adviser
And she then byt it back - the Moose is very, very traumatize by this, will not come out of enclosure - SAAD!