Fat Nixon’s Watergate moment…
aka the Good Friday massacre…
And the National Enquirer, I presume went with:
“Total Exoneration, Witch Hunt Over”
It’s called the New York Post, but yeah.
“Well,” absolutely no one told Barr, “that went well.”
And of course the NY Post is the lone meatball vomiting up the false Trump propaganda word-for-word.
Sticks out like a hard-on at a pool party.
Of course. Its owner (Jared “Full Metal Jackass” Kushner Rupert Murdoch) wouldn’t have it any other way.
Has the National Enquirer weighed in yet?
Altered for clarity. LOL
And how many Americans will actually read a newspaper today?
WTF NY Post?!?! Dem hoax destroyed?!?!
Did Dewey tell you that after he beat Truman?
Meanwhile on NPR, “nothing to see here” “ this is a big problem…for Democrats” “Trump didn’t do anything criminal”.
Can we please cut their funding off already?
Hey, someone has to record the wrong side of history for posterity. It’s nice of the Post to fall on that sword…
Gee, it seems like misogynist serial sexual harasser Les Moonves was right after all:
Donald Trump IS great for the news business!
The New York Post does appear to stand out among the rest for some reason. I can’t quite put my finger on why though. It just seems, well… different somehow.
One of these is not like the others.
One of these doesn’t belong.
Can you tell which one is not like the others
Before I finish my song?
All combined…
“No Conspiracy, No Exoneration,
Collusion & Obstruction Galore”
It’s the sports reporting, that’s it…
One of these papers is not like the others,
One of these papers doesn’t belong
Can you tell which paper is not like the others
Before I finish this song?
National Enquirer headline:
NPR used to be so good. Don’t listen much any more and turned it off this a.m. when McGahn’s lawyer was defending the report. Gag!
The only news about Trump that I really, really trust is the stuff printed in the editorial section of Bestiality Bondage Monthly.