Discussion for article #223612
5/15-5/19 PPP Braley +6
4/24-4/30 Hickman Analytics Braley +4
4/3-4/8 Suffolk Braley +8
Since then Ernst has pretty consistently made a fool of herself. House of Ras is still a house of lies.
That means Braley is actually leading by 3+ points.
So if I get this right, the Fat Junkie’s pollster puts the Pig Nutter slightly ahead of a guy name Bruce… in Iowa.
Given that Joni Ernst’s proof of her ability to govern rests almost soley upon her skills as a master castrater of pigs [incipient hogs?], maybe instead of debates, the two contenders could engage each other in lively contests of bucolic legerdemain. Since Ernst has an obvious advantage in the pig de-testicularizing department, corn shucking, chicken plucking, hog slopping, hay baling and artificial insemination of domestic livestock would round out the comptetition. The winner goes on to the Senate because, God knows, competancy at governance is not at all important in comparison to success in the tractor pulling circuit.
I thought this was one of those seats that was definately going Republican. At least I think that is what the CW beltway pundits were saying.
No, Iowa was a bit of a reach for republicans, but in the realm of possibility.
I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in this particular poll, besides it being a Ras poll. 1 point means a tie, and given that she just won the primary, her name has been splattered all over the local news, so she should be receiving a bump anyway. It won’t last.
She’s for ‘personhood’, against the farm bill, believes WMDs’ were found in Iraq and is endorsed by Snowbilly Grifter of the North. Should be an easy sell for the GOP.
I hate, hate, hate the way that polls are reported on this site and similar sites. so that it seems that every individual polls is worth its weight in gold.
It is NOT. Did we learn nothing from the last two presidential elections in particular? As Nate Silver, and others, have so rightly pointed out, an individual polls tells you nada, zip, zilch. Polls need to be looked at as a group. The more data, the better the overall picture you will have of the issue at hand.
It doesn’t really matter than its a Rasmussen poll, which are about as fact based as a Vladimir Putin speech. Even if the poll has great numbers fof Democrats, same rules apply.
So Talking Points Memo, PLEASE STOP reporting polls in this way and give it a little more thought than just hitting post.
Given Rassy’s right-wing leanings, its stunning inaccuracy in general, and the fact that the Castration Candidate has had her name splattered all over the news lately, this poll means that Braley is leading by 3 to 5 points, which would put it in line with other recent polling by several different groups.
Joni is going to be a tough sell for the GOP—her positions put her firmly in Cloud-Cuckoo-Land with the rest of the Teabilly crowd, which could easily make her a female Todd Akin, or a male Sharron Angle.
OK, sounds good but only if they use their teeth like my Ag teacher did at Orange High School instead of the burdizzo to cauterize. Although we were castrating sheep, not pigs or cattle.
RCP has Braley ahead in four polls.
Is America really waking up? Time will tell?
This is the same state that gave us the likes of Rep. Steven King after all…so Iowa has decided according to Rasmussen at least, that Iowa is willing to go to the Dark Side, and vote against their own interests for a woman who would vote against the Farm Bill in an agriculture state!! Come into the light Iowa! Come into the light!!
Your prize for that comment.
The hog ballbuster has co-signed onto a personhood bill in Iowa. I don’t suppose Iowans are aware of this, or aware of anything other than the ® next to her name.
Are we really bashing Iowa, a state Obama won twice? Every state, including the most liberal states have at least one batshit congressperson, but that doesn’t say shit about the state in general. CA has Darryl Issa and NY has Steve King and Micheal Grimm, but that doesn’t mean they’re somehow red states. This is a bad pollster and this poll is not at all in line with any of the previous polling. So, again, why are we bashing Iowa?
Of course, if TPM didn’t report on the individual polls, we wouldn’t be aware of them to consider as a group later…
And Nate Silver most certainly did not teach us that a single poll is worthless. He demonstrated very nicely that certain pollsters produce very reliable individual polls. All he says is that you shouldn’t jump to conclusions based on an individual poll, that doesn’t mean that each poll doesn’t contain useful information individually.
No taker state politician running against pork in general, and the Farm Bill in particular, should poll above 20%. Especially not in IOWA of all places! It’s gotta be the outside influence of nonresidents’ money.