Discussion for article #233950
50? Is that all??? Why not 60? 70? 80? You fucking slacker.
Bibi sowed the seeds of disruption, dissension and discontent all right; just nor where it was intended.
Oh for fucks sake. The Republicans are now at the point that they’ll eat one of their for not kissing the ass of a divisive foreign leader enough while they treat the President of the United States like a houseboy.
This is what they talk about? A warmonger just tried to lie us into another war and this is all they take from it?
I suppose if tingles didn’t run up your leg you weren’t having a genuine conservative experience.
“I was also the first to start the chant “Israel is #1!” My credentials as a constitutional conservative patriot cannot be questioned.”
If Bibi had worn those black stilettos with that leather skirt, oh whoops… I have Sarah Palin and Bibi confused. It happens. Both are warmongering idiots willing to say anything to make money eerrrr policy.
In my opinion anyone who clapped were clapping for the spit in the face of President Obama that Bibi issued.
Gossip session turned ugly when Paul pinched Corker and Corker pulled out Paul’s weave.
Reminds me of the stories about how when Stalin gave a speech, he would get 90 minute standing ovations because no one wanted to be the first person to stop clapping.
And I counted every single one of them! Even the ones I plagiarized!
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Media’s got a lotta time to fill and thus the trivia gets elevated beyond any level of rational reasoning.
Proof beyond all doubt (if there ever WAS doubt) about this man’s LACK of the necessary emotional maturity for the Presidency.
He is responding like an eighth-grader.
The REAL President (Mr. Obama) is dealing with leading this country and encountering hatred and scorn from his “countrymen” the likes of which no president has ever seen.
The only codes I would trust with this snake-oiled, lying libertarian/dissembler would be the zipcodes to the nearest mental institution.
Poor Senator Poodlerug!
He is without doubt one of the most thin-skinned RWNJs in Congress.
If you want to be president, you have to demonstrate that you love Israel more than your own children. I don’t think Rand Paul passed that test.
This is pretty much what I expected from Paul. He responds to silly attacks by dropping (rising?) to their level and starts whining…someone will push back a bit harder on him and he will start in with his refrain of “why can’t we all just get along?” next.
He really is just a puppet…pull his string here, and watch him move there.
50 times ? So twice as many times as the rest of them ?
BTW… There will be no vote on the Senate getting to review the plan with Iran.
Democrats have withdrawn their support of that after McConnell tried to fast track the legislation.