An apologetic Rene Boucher told a jury that he attacked Paul after watching the senator start forming a brush pile near their property line in an upscale Bowling Green subdivision.
So this is the infamous Bowling Green Massacre!
So Rand Paul is basically claiming that he’s a big pussy and can’t take a hit without writhing in eternal agony.
“He was shallow breathing, short of breath, dead white, blood coming out of his eye,” she said.
Blood coming from wherever, too.
Asked if there had been any dispute with Boucher, she replied “no.”
Ms. Paul is as big a lying bullshitter as Mr. Paul. And as Mr. Paul’s father.
Paul is in the right here and his neighbor is in the wrong. That said, the Pauls are maintaining that they are alarmingly obtuse about how they were viewed by their neighbor. If your neighbor approaches you with an issue and you turn your back and walk away, you are not going to learn what was on his mind. If you are putting brush piles near the lot line and they keep going up in smoke you would think they would get a clue.
Paul doesn’t seem to like a libertarian paradise – he’s gone running for government help as soon as possible.
The day before the 2017 attack, which left Paul with several broken ribs, Boucher said he had burned another brush pile that Paul had created near the property line. Boucher said he doused that pile with gasoline and set it on fire. An explosion burned his face, neck and arms, and Boucher said he was still in severe pain the next day when he attacked Paul.
What’s in the water in Kentucky?
Ladies and Gentleman, it is the duty of every person here on this forum to chip in and buy Mr. Boucher the largest, loudest leaf blower money can buy and present it to him with our thanks.
I, however, am “very thankful” for “long-overdue” yard-dispute attack.
Hell, I was hoping you’d give Randy a mullet using the weed whacker!
Since when is it a federal crime to beat the shit out of a garden gnome?
I hope Rand Paul gets crabgrass. And crabs.
When a dispute like this happens in my home state of Tennessee, we call it “Tuesday”.
Rene is sorry for attacking Randal.
Well, that makes one of us.
Federal prosecutors have appealed the sentence, saying 21 months of prison time would have been appropriate.
Isn’t it more than enough punishment that this poor guy has to continue to live next door to Rand Paul?
I have seen a man in this neighborhood - in his 30’s - take a leaf blower to about 4 ft swath of pine needles sprinkled in front of his driveway - just to blow them one foot into the street took 15 min of ear-splitting noise
There’s clearly something else going on here that neither party is inclined to go public with.
What a wuss. I fell off a chair once and landed hard. My entire torso turned dark purple. I never went to the Dr. and it was two years later after a normal bone scan the they told me I had two broken ribs. I never missed any work. Yes, it was painful but come on, Rand Paul needs to man up. The attacker needs to make this right, but there is no need to exaggerate the injury.