Discussion: Rand Paul's Brother: Ron And Rand Paul Have Same Philosophical Views

Discussion for article #235466

apples and trees. I’m shocked!!


One more Paul ? Soon we will have a band. I sure hope they can get their act together

They’re gonna tour the country as the WittSibs--------Half,Dim, and Nit…

Or is that $ister$arah, MicheleBachmann and VictoriaJackson???

Joni Ernst is also good…

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And they, in turn, have the same philosophical views as the Roman Senate…“F*** THE POOR!”

And, no, Ronnie, they don’t have the same philosophical views. Or if they do, they’re all LINOs…Libertarians in Name Only…


Yeah, they’re both racist isolationists who hate the poor.


in other words, they are both grifters?

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That doesn’t help Rand.

Wait, so the Paul boys are: Ronnie, Bobby, Randy…Where are Ricky and Mike? Cool it now, Candy girl!

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Closeted Birchers.
Openly racist and homophobic when it was/is expedient:

Rand is just better at pandering and concealing some of his most extreme views. According to Ron and Rand’s former employee, Jack ‘Southern Avenger’ Hunter, Rand’s apparent deviation from his father’s harder line on certain issues is simply a matter of Rand “playing the game,” in order to be more respectable within the Republican Party.


I think Rand Paul should worry about his own “baggage” rather than Hillary’s . . . racist newsletters anyone??


Ron, Ronny, and Rand. There’s a joke in their somewhere.

Including the deal about believing the Civil War could have been averted by bailing out the slave holders with the mass purchase of African Americans?

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Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Paul?

Of course there are no philosophical differences between them. They are both MOTHERFUCKING LOONS!



File this one under “no shit”.

TPM is so good at news.

It’s bad enough that one person has such wacky beliefs as Ron Paul, but two people? That is nuts. The biggest difference between Ron Paul and Rand Paul is that at least Ron Paul is more or less consistent with his wackiness while Rand tries to hide it with lies and deceit.


That, and the rug.

Take a picture of Rand, cut him off from the temples on up, and you can’t actually tell them apart.