Discussion for article #244089
So, Rand, where was your outrage when they were telling Santorum and Pataki and Fiorina and Jindal and those other candidates that they had “second-tier” campaigns? You participated in those debates.
Ayn Rand: Paul is entitled to the top tier.
The good news is, Paul can finally focus on his Senate race.
Rand won’t stand for being down graded to the kid table? Well, take yer ball an go home then. Go ahead and quit. You won’t even be missed.
Nobody does righteous indignation like Rand Paul!
. . . except perhaps, Ted Cruz.
So…don’t go.
Oh honey, you don’t stand at the kids table. You sit, otherwise you can’t reach the crumbs you are being served.
“The voters ought to get a chance.”
They did. They chose. Just - not you.
He suggested that fundraising and the organizational strength should
also be considered in choosing who participates in which debates.
Well hell, if the criteria is throwing good money after bad, then JEB should be the sole GOP candidate.
Similarly, the Baltimore Ravens are getting jobbed if they’re left out of the NFL playoffs.
I’ve got 800 precinct chairman (…) in Iowa. ( … ) 100 people on the ground ( …;. ) . I’ve raised 25 million dollars. And he has 4 % support. Had 5 % in October. He forgot that part.
The GOP really blew this mess. They’ve a wad of candidates so one big debate was never an option. But why call it an “under card” or “second tier” debate. Why not have two sessions of debate and shuffle the candidates each time. No one’s better than the other and they all get equal time. Why create an unnecessary problem?
Paul: “I’ve got 800 precinct chairman in Iowa. I’ve got a 100 people on the ground working for me. I’ve raised 25 million dollars.”
“And I’m still losing to candidates who’ve already dropped out. Sweet Moses, I suck!”
He’ll pull himself up to his full five foot six inches and DEMAND to be on the big stage.
And if that doesn’t work he’ll sic his attack tribble on the moderator.
“I frankly just won’t be told by the media which tier I’m in, and we’re not willing to accept that, because we’re a first-tier campaign and we’re in it to win it and we won’t be told that we’re in a tier that can’t win,” he said.
Mommy! Mommy! Look! – The poodle!! --It’s yapping – Oh, it’s just so cute! Can we get him??
Mommy says to daughter: “Sweetie, listen, he shits too much … just like all of his littermates. And, frankly, we adults are tired of cleaning up after them. So, no!”
Edited for punctuation.
But his poor baling pate! Whatever would it do for warmth?
The tribble would return to its host, sated in the blood of whichever ridiculous organization is hosting the debate.
Coffee-spilling-guffaw inducing
I’m sure a serious contender like Rand Paul will have no trouble at all getting his polling numbers up to where they need to be to secure him a position at the next GOP debate.
Meh! He never had a shot anyway.
A perfect illustration of the Republicans’ war cry: Screw you, the rules only apply to the “little people.” The qualification for this “debate” is to be in the top x percentage of the polls. Didn’t make it? Sorry, Rand, it’s the kiddie table for you. You’re done, son…