Discussion: Rand Paul To Jeb Bush: 'Invading Iraq Was A Mistake' — Even As A Hypothetical

Discussion for article #236341

““I think, even at the time invading Iraq was a mistake and I thought the war, even at the time, was a mistake given the intelligence.”

I guess I stand with Rand on one thing. Better than nothing, I suppose.

But I hate to tell you, Rand, the answer to these two questions are not going to be one and the same:

And so I think as these questions get asked, we will get to the answer of who Republicans want to lead the country, who do Americans want to lead the country."


Everybody needs to be asked — all the Republicans should be asked, did you and do you support Hillary’s war in Libya.

I did not know Hillary had ordered any type of military action in Libya.


According to Li’l Randy and the rest of the Breathless Armchair Brigade, she ordered a “stand down” so that one of her best friends would be killed at the CIA station in Benghazi.

Of course, no such thing occurred, as has been proved over and over again, but the facts have never stopped the GOP Lie Machine before.


They’re like a snake mating ball,writhing about smearing each possible issue then popping their heads up: ‘Nailed her!’

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“I think there’s a consistent theme here that every candidate should be asked, and that is is it a good idea to go into the Middle East,”

Raise your hand if you would’ve invaded Iraq.

Okay, now raise your hand if you would’ve stood by and done nothing while Qaddafi went door-to-door killing people in Benghazi.


“I think, even at the time invading Iraq was a mistake and I thought the war, even at the time, was a mistake given the intelligence. Everybody needs to be asked — all the Republicans should be asked, did you and do you support Hillary’s war in Libya.

Huh? When did Hillary declare a war in Libya? And what the fuck does that have to do with the subject at hand?

I seriously don’t get some of the progressive’s fascination with this guy. I know no politician is 100% trustworthy but this guy is so obviously phony


Rand Paul:

all the Republicans should be asked, did you and do you support Hillary’s war in Libya.

Hillary invaded Libya? That’s sure news to me.

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How DARE Rand Paul disrespect the troops!



You can say that multiple times.


And another goofball grabs the wheel of the GOP Clown Car!

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I think it can be summed up in Bill Mahrer…it’s about the pot and nothing else.

The part that gets me though, is chances are pretty good the whoever is the president for the next 8 years, will preside over, if not nationally, the vast majority of states legalizing marijuana. The genie is out of the bottle and gaining momentum…and more importantly, interest from big money interested in profiting off of it. It will happen, regardless of who is in the White House.

Its quickly going to be a moot point anyway. Paul is going to crack very early…he simply cannot handle trying to appear mainstream and libertarian at the same time. “I want to cut the defense budget and build more aircraft carriers” is just too paradoxical for anyone in either camp to take seriously.


Well, it’s about war, too…but in almost willful ignorance of his 100% rating from the Family Research Council, his 19th-century economic policies, his retrograde view of the Constitution (the Civil Rights Act shouldn’t have prohibited businesses from discriminating) and his general nuttiness (mandatory vaccination -> martial law!). But yeah, with the contortions he’s twisting himself into he’s likely to break something before he gets near the nomination. Unless he blows himself up first when a questioner triggers a tantrum that can’t be contained by skin thinner than rice paper.©
© @PluckyInKY


LOL. But have no fear, his campaign has figured out how to handle those pesky reporters…Lick their cameras!!


Still wouldn’t vote for you, moron.

And they say democrats are in disarray.


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I totally disagree.

THIS is a “mistake”:

The Iraq War is what is know as an “ATROCITY.”

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Seriously, it’s the 21st century and you have some money. Do something about the hair.

“No Child of mine will ever support a war for their fellow citizens but not them to fight and die so either oppose the war or stop trying to avoid the draft.” An old WW2 army nurse in 1967 to her son that was supporting the Vietnam War while jumping through hoops to stay avoid the draft. Had George W. Bush’s mother or the mothers of many who supported the Iraq War had similar conversations with their children it is doubtful we would have invaded Iraq.

A better question, one that tells us more about the candidates than, “was the war a mistake” is, WHY was the war a mistake.

That is it is easy to say after the disaster that the war was a mistake. But why was the war a mistake is both obvious and simple but tells the hard truth about the war’s supporters. I mean even if we had found chemical weapons, weapons based on WW1 technology that were obsolete by WW2, does anyone really think the war be anything other than the disaster it is today.

The Iraq War was a mistake, and in fact the big lie Bush and the media told about Iraq that neither has been called on, was the cost of the war, win or lose. To have been successful in Iraq, Bush would have needed at least 300,000 troops for at least 10 years and just for rebuilding Iraq at least $1,000,000,000,000.00 to convince/bribe Iraqis to accept a unified western style government instead of other choices much like America did in Germany, Japan et al after WW2. The cost to win the war would have required both a DRAFT and huge tax increases and been political disaster for Bush and the GOP.

Once it became clear what it would cost to win the Iraq War, Bush, again with the help of the mainstream media, chose to lose the Iraq War but continue to sacrifice American lives and other treasures to delay the full measure of the disaster until Bush was out of office so the GOP could blame it on those of us who opposed the war from the beginning. That is Bush knew that like Bush the REPUGS would only support the Iraq War so long as it was the other guy fighting and otherwise paying for the war.

I mean Sadam was an evil man and I am glad he is dead but the reason those of us opposed the war from the beginning and the reason the war was a disaster because Bush and his supporters were never prepared to do what was necessary to win the Iraq war. And that is the lesson of the Iraq War and for anyone qualified to be president, not to start wars unless you are willing to fight and for your loved ones to fight and die in the war. That is starting wars for your fellow citizens to die in, as Bush and the GOP did in Iraq, is by definition a national disaster.

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Hillary’s war? Did he really say that? How stupid do these assholes think Americans are? I realize if he’s in a room full of batshit crazy teabaggers saying this lunacy but nationally he just looks as foolish as that dead animal on his head.

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Not only that (and the other great points you made), they led us to believe we would be in and out in a matter of weeks and that the war would be paid for with the oil. This was almost 15 years and billions of dollars ago!!! Either they were naive in what we faced or they just bald -face LIED to us.