Discussion for article #227295
Yes, Rand: A core attribute of wisdom is the rejection of science.
Which audience was Sen Poodlerug addressing with this flippancy?
This guy is the epitome of a yappy little dog. . .
Fight the terrorists over there so we don’t have to fight climate change here.
Right – because in RandLand we can deal with only one issue at a time.
So obvious and yet the next time Rand appears on a Sunday talk show and repeats it, not one of the “journalists” will confront him with that. In fact, they will tacitly nod and agree with it.
Randy continues the grand GOP tradition of fighting the wrong thing.
Rand is taking a cue from Rush, falling in love with Hillary is good for business.
One will kill a lot more Americans than the other.
The funniest part is that he seems to think he’s actually a contender. He really needs to see about just maintaining daddy’s rube-bilking scam.
Becuz Aqua Buddha is only capable of doing one thing at a time.
Flown over beat me to it!
Hey, Randy Baby, perhaps Hillary and Obama are capable of doing two or more things at once, as opposed to you brain-dead Republican fucknuts.
He’s running.
Wasn’t Rand just ranting about Hillary being too much of a war hawk? And now he’s saying she’s not going to take the terrorists on?
Too much on his plate is a hamburger if Hispanic people ask a question. Can’t believe this putz is considered serious presidential material.
Expect him to go essentially silent around mid 2015.
Rand Paul does not know what the word “instead” means.
Poodlerug’s brain is shorting out over his mouth’s desire to denounce Hillary’s nepotism.