Discussion: Rand Paul Slams Chris Christie For Giving Obama 'A Big Hug'

Discussion for article #239171

To me, this exchange was the highlight of the debate, despite Trump’s ridiculousness. I think I said ‘burn!’ like five times in two minutes. That was awesome.


The hug between Obama and Christie concerned New Jersey’s need for federal help after Super storm Sandy…but Randy didn’t care.


Neither did the rest of the base.

Chrisko, you can’t bully a guy with a jelly spine.

Huggate. Embracing Obama, a black Democratic President. Its like the worst thing on earth to the GOP base, almost like treason.


It was his doom long before these primaries began.


To the base its “Ew the icky Negro cooties”.


Rand would have let them repair the damage with copies of Atlas Shrugged.


Which they would have, of course, had to purchase themselves. No handouts!


It really did neither of them much good, but it was what I expected. Christie went after Paul, and Paul got bitchy and lost his cool.

I think Paul got the worst of the slap fight, however. He really hurt himself the most of any candidate tonight. Screeching about any constitutional rights besides the second just doesn’t play well with the GOP base. Then add his remarks on wanting to cut aid to Israel…you could just about hear the pin sinking into the balloon on that one. His dad could talk the isolationist talk because, like most libertarian points, he could keep it hypothetical or extremely vague. Rand doesn’t get that, and tries to take it down to the road, where it immediately starts to fall apart. It did again tonight.

The hug comment was something Christie didn’t need to be brought up, though…and he handled his response badly. They are battling for last place, so whoever “won” its of no consequence.


Well that will lock up NJ for Paul because I’m sure Hurricane Sandy victims in NJ would rather have had Christie kick President Obama in the nuts and refuse all Federal aid. (wry grin)


I agree. I think Paul really hurt himself tonight. Though I think Carson did the worst and really showed how out of his depth, even in Crazy Conservative Land™ he is. Carson had an almost sympathy-pain inducing bad performance. Barely one rung up from an Admiral Stockade sort of vibe. I was honestly shocked.

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I wasn’t. I don’t follow him avidly, but I have seen enough of his performances. I will say I was slightly surprised at how nervous he was. As you said, clearly way out of his league.

Fox is pushing the meme pretty hard that Fiorina was the big winner in the kiddie table debate. I personally didn’t see that, but they are pushing it so hard that I am guessing the fix is probably already in for the next debate. And my guess is, she replaces Paul, who descends into closing down the campaign before Iowa even happens, and turns back to Kentucky.

He really needed a good performance tonight, and instead he came across as a shrill little whiner, definitely not the sort of candidate that garners GOP base support. Add to that his campaign has serious financial problems, and apparently, a bit of a moral problem too. I think he is done.

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Well I have to confess I have never watched Carson speak live. Only clips here and there and read articles on him and things he has said, transcripts and stuff.

But wow, he was really and truly out of his depth.

He speaks in that very low, slow monotone, in nearly everything I have seen. He doesn’t usually fumble as much as tonight, but then I find most people who speak slowly are doing it to prevent themselves from fumbling, so that’s probably why. The nervousness was just too much for him tonight.

Slow and measured is one thing. Something President Obama excels at I might add.

This was just, “I’m drowning on live television” and flubbing basic facts and even a tenuous grip with reality.

Smallest Navy since 1917?


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Its the same rathole that Romney tried to go down, and got burned alive trying, while debating Obama.

We have 10 aircraft carriers in service. That equals the entire rest of the world…COMBINED, with 3 more under construction. Our domination of the seas is so overwhelming, its hilarious for him to even bring it up.


Kelly finally intervened, saying “that was an interesting exchange.”

A true professional at work… :scream:


I am surprised that Carson also didn’t mention we also now have the smallest cavalry since 1917.

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