enough public popularity
what universe is this true in?
I’m even more disappointed in Paul than other repubs because he has moments of mental clarity that reveal he should know better than to peddle his austerity wares.
The Universe of Alternative Facts, of course. C’mon, get with the program!
I forgot. The one where conservipedia is needed.
Shorter GOP: We cannot shake off Obama’s tyranny.
How does the President’s 39% popularity give him the clout to force Senate Republicans to support a bill which has under 20% support?
He has seconds of seeming clarity that are usually revealed to be episodes of preening for the cameras.
Shorter Rand Paul, “if somebody wants free healthcare, he should run for the Senate like me. The rest of you pathetic peasants can just go bug off.”
Rand Paul wants to get the long arm of government off the backs of the people.
Same hairdo!