Trump: I encourage my supporters to go after Ayn Rand Lite and his family. They are terrorists.
Even Rand has moments of sanity. Pity they never last.
Kentucky’s Ayn Rand: So much of their bill is bailout for the insurance companies.
WI Ayn Rand: Yes, that is by design. Kochs like it this way.
New House Obamacare Replacement Plan 'Will Not Pass
That’s pretty much what I thought.
The circular firing squad had 8 years to come plan
This one just removes people from medicaid and increases the cost for the rest.
How do you think that will fly in W Va , PA and other impoverished areas?
They. Are. Fucked.
Anything that proposes to spend even a dime on Healthcare is anathema Ron Paul and his like-minded friends!
I’m quite serious -their skinflinting so-called principles will not allow them to spend even as little as a dime on Healthcare! They can wax all Pious about it, otherwise, theijt is a betrayal of their sacred trust to whatever, Then just piss the savings away profligately on unjustifiable tax cuts for the extremely rich! This unsupportable regume, is what they call adhering to their sacrosanct principles!!
Paul believes in purity more than a 16 year old at a prom. Kind of a silly look on a fiftyish year old Senator, but if it breaks Ryancare, I’m all for it.
Paul opposes this bill not because it’s too onerous, but because it’s isn’t draconian enough.
Then he caves quicker than a cheap taffeta prom dress hitting the floor of a Motel 6 Prom after-party
At least Rand Paul has the guts to call out the pitiful plan that took the Repubs seven damned years to cobble together!
“It’s Obamacare 0.5” says Paul Krugman.
For the GOP proposal basically accepts the logic of Obamacare. It retains insurer regulation to prevent exclusion of people with preexisting conditions. It imposes a penalty on those who don’t buy insurance while healthy. And it offers tax credits to help people buy insurance. Conservatives calling the plan Obamacare 2.0 definitely have a point.
But a better designation would be Obamacare 0.5, because it’s really about replacing relatively solid pillars with half-measures, severely and probably fatally weakening the whole structure.
We spend twice as much of our GDP on a for profit “health” industry as any other nation. We get lousy results, ranking around # 35 or so in comparison to other national healthcare outcomes. The tapeworm is the right of corporations to take the money we spend on our health, and keep as much of it as the law will allow.
The right of the people to health care, as stated " to provide for the general welfare" is the only thing being questioned by Sen. Paul and his merry band of Trumplicans.
We pay up the wazoo already; twice as much as we should. And we pay for excellent care for the members of Congress who are jumping through their assholes backwards to take away our health care.
Our anger is fully justified.
Yes. I’m glad he’s speaking out against it, but it’s for all the wrong reasons.
Thus spoke Aqua buddha.
“It is the individual mandate but you pay your penalty not to the government, to a private insurance company. So much of their bill is bailout for the insurance companies.”
No, that’s not sanity from Rand. He wants everything bad about the Nocare plan to be made much worse.
“Obamacare lite” is ferret head’s new talking point. I guess he thinks it’s cute.
I think, that the penalty (nonrefund) from ACA also is supposed go to the INSCOS, as well.
But he does get some credit for calling the penalty what it is – a payoff to the insurance companies.
Ryan was trying to bribe them to say they could stay in the market without an individual mandate. This lighter penalty, versus the earlier draft, won’t come close to doing the job, though.
The Republican goal is to get rid of all government supported health care (except their taxpayer supported health care). The only bug is they can’t get reelected if they do not keep money flowing to the health insurance industry.