Discussion: Rand Paul Mocks Carson's Pyramids Theory: I Think It Was Aliens!

Discussion for article #242565

“You had me at UFOs” [/Dorothy Boyd]


Aliens, or Aqua Buddha?


Trump knows that the real reason pyramids were built was to store illegal immigrants.


The GOP presidential contest has gone past Fox News; past WWE wrestling; it is now in Adult Swim.


It irks me a bit that Hillary or none of the other dems, are teeing off on this, or any other statement, that these GOP idiots come up with on a daily basis. I get it, take the high road, come off as the adults…but take the low hanging fruit sometimes! I mean, if you’re Martin O’Malley, why not take these chances to get talked about? I would be a horrendous politician…I wouldn’t be able to help myself.


I think you can bet that all these comments and videos of the various Repug candidates are being well collated in the Dems war chests for use when the general election campaigns begin. Why use all this stuff now before the Repugs use it against each other.


“I’’m really big into conspiracy theories, so I think they were probably built by the aliens as grain silos, don’t you think,” Paul joked, when asked about Carson’s idea on 1110AM WBT, as reported by Buzzfeed.

Anyone wanna take bets on how soon he walks this one back?

“Noooo, I wasn’t making fun of Dr. Carson’s religious beliefs. I had someone do that to me in my campaign and I would never do that to anyone. I was just having fun with his comments about aliens. I apologize if I offended Dr. Carson or anyone else.”

       ***I;m with you there.***

Rand Paul, Secular Progressive.


Obviously, they built them to store gooooooold.


When your opponent is hanging himself it is often wise to hand him more rope and get out of the way.


What does this pyramid nonsense have to do with Ben’s religious beliefs? This is just his sheer stupidity shining through.

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Now, now Rand. What does the Aqua Buddha teach us about not harshing the mellow of others, lest we be harshmellowed?

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His is a form of biblical literalism that also requires things that were not even in the Bible to be literally true. So: Someone once speculated the pyramids were grain silos caused by Joseph’s great need for grain, and thus this is the only explanation.


Indisputable evidence that Rand knows what he’s talking about:


Really, I always thought biblical literalism was the belief that every word in the bible was literally true, not the belief that stuff not in the bible is literally true. Does that mean I have to literally believe Jesus rode a dinosaur at the time of the great flood because that fairy tail isn’t in the bible.

That said I have to admit I was raised a Catholic and am an Episcopalian so the idea of biblical literalism is not exactly part of my religious belief system.

and weeeeeeeeeeeeed.


When you’re even getting mocked by Rand Paul for nutty beliefs, you’re doing something wrong.

Carson just turned himself into Christine “I am not a witch” O’Donnell.


Both the Catholics and Episcopalians officially sanction evolution, and the Anglican Communion is overall one of the most liberal Christian churches, so… yeah. You and Carson might be on the same street, but you’re not in the same neighborhood. You’re not even on the same part of the city. He might not even be in the city proper.