Discussion: Rand Paul Misspells 'Education' On Campaign Website

Discussion for article #235096

This is also awesome. Just saw it at Balloon Juice.

Rand Paul: Standing the country on its head.


Do we get to snark on some Paultards again? Finally? Come out come out wherever you are… We’ll be nice. Honest. Here…have some weed. Now, lets here about your untopiarified vision for America!


Speling are hard.


Bad spelers of the world untie!


Paul wants to show he is over plagiarizing. Borowitz said it best:

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I’m no expert on spelling myeslf…err, myself

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The Paul Education Policy:

  1. Be born into a well off and politically connected family
  2. Learn how you are a leader by refusing ‘Attendance’ trophy’s
  3. Attend private schools
  4. Be a dick

Is it a surprise that Senator Aqua Buddha is not ready for prime time?

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English is a hard language to spell in. There are so many quirks…

laugh/dough and only one of them has an “eff” sound?

Give me a break.

Look, the name “Gutierrez” is only going to be spelled ONE WAY, if it is pronounced right (with, possibly, the “z” being able to be substituted with an “s”).

Seriously, with all of this texting going on (“R U ready”, etc. etc.). North Americans are going to need all of Rand Paul’s wisdom to save America, especially all of the Latin American immigrants he’s going to let in when he gets elected.

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For some people oxymorons are especially easy I see.

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Libtards SHouLD knOW THAT EducaiTON is bESt ProviDed BY the INVISIBule HAnd of the FREe Market, CAusing KIds to LEarN STUff GOoder thAN FEderAL SCHooLs. End COmpulsury EDUcaiton!!!1!!!one!!!


Spelling is just a collectivist plot to take away our freedom of speech.

Rand Paul refuses to conform to the totalitarian conventions of Webster’s Dictionary or spell check, so he has created his own licensing board to self-certify his own special individualistic language.


Actually, it’s kind of a surprise to me that his team so unprepared. It’s not like this was a hasty decision he just made a few weeks ago. He’s been running since he was elected to the Senate nearly four years ago. The fact that they’re making boneheaded mistakes right out of the gate, at a time when they’ve got the media and the country’s attention doesn’t bode well for what’s to come.


Rand’s GOP base doesn’t care about spelling. Since when do you need a dictionary to open a Budweiser, sleep with your sister or shoot yourself in the hand or foot occasionally?


I had to laugh listening to NPR news this morning. In describing Rand Paul’s place in the GOP, one of the points the hosts made was that he was a candidate who had been expanding the GOP coalition, bringing in younger people and minorities. Already funny, I know, but then they further explained that the “younger people” were young white males.


If Paul gets the nomination, the Democrats will definitely lose several counties in Mississippi. That was actually said by David Brooks.


He lost the urban youth at a recent appearance when he asked how many of them listened to Half Dollar.


All four of them?

I’m surprised he didn’t call him “Half a Unit of Fiat Money”


Stoned pachyderms for Paul
