Discussion for article #233399
For someone who wants to be president he’s quit juvenile.
Jesus fuck, that’s so frickin lame he oughta be ashamed of himself.
…Making all the GOTP wannabes look good.
I have to say I’m pretty surprised Faux, Breitbart, et al, didn’t run with it, ascribe that kind of bullshit to Clinton and then fail to correct themselves or even mention it when Randroid’s impersonation of her came to light.
It looks like the homeschool adolescent group helps him with technology.
Huh, there’s a nexus between Watergate and Benghazi? I guess it has the same relationship real hair has to a toupee.
And that’s what we want for a POTUS? A juvenile manipulator of the truth? Fortunately HRC has the class to avoid Pinterst attacks on Paul for serial plagiarism and lying about his college degrees.
That’s odd, he just told us he’s been an adult for almost 30 years. I read it in quotes from Randy himself, right here on the internet. So it must be true. Funny how his understanding of adulthood resembles a lot like what childhood resembles.
And here we have the difference between Republican and Democratic humor. The YOLO video had a guy who has the cool of a top Hollywood star making himself look a little foolish (which actually accentuates his cool), while Aqua Buddha throws out some lame crap that has been disproved over and over again along with a dash of sexism (really - a remodeling joke?).
A result of the same stunted developmental growth that often causes one to be a lifetime Libertarian/Ayn Rand devotee.
Watch out, Hillary, a wet willy and a forced bow to Aqua Buddha is surely his final solution…
And remember…this is the “classy level stuff.” The Anti-Hillary War Room Team is already hard at work
laying the groundwork for another 18-month mud-fest. 10 points each for every mention of Vince Foster, Benghazi, Bill, interns, Monika Lewiinsky, socialism, and health care reform failures.
Bonus points for deliveries by Sean Hannity, John Fund, Glen Beck and Dick Morris.
hehe whoaaa that’s enough points(hourly) to totally dominate an @midnight episode!!
I can’t wait till his ***g***lib-ertarian smirk turns into a stuttering whinge when he steps up to the national stage under some 2016 POTUS-potential scrutiny.
Immaturity, thin skin, and overt stupidity are hallmarks of Rand Paul’s style.
This is only the beginning of his idiocy.
Dude gives pot smokers a bad name. Very elementary school – and then to misquote the target, at that!
I keep meaning to tell you what an absolutely fabulously brilliant screenname you’ve created. I love it! I just ask that you refrain from letting it go to your head. Wouldn’t want you running over people and hanging rappers out windows in order to get them to sign a contract, or making stupid movies.
Not a chance in hell is this squirrel head going any higher.
You were expecting better from a dweeb who lied about having degrees in English and Biology?
Rand Paul thinking process:
If you screw up a quote it can’t be plagiarism.