Discussion: Rand Paul: Congress Will Spend First Month Repealing Obama Regulations

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This is truly a sad day for America.


I hope folks have enjoyed their Obamacare while it lasted


Someone in another thread was talking about “fighting” what happened last night. Well along come Paul to help that out. Keep track of how many regulations are reaped and the real effect of doing so. It sure as hell won’t be jobs. That’s GOP bullshit. It will be reductions in worker safety, degradation of the environment and poor quality products for the American people. You’ll get ripped off more.

Start there and bring it on in 2018.


privatizing Medicare and the VA next up… slashing Social Security benefits to ‘reduce debt’ and ‘save it’… oh yeah… you women will never have to worry about your body or health care again…


Replace “sad” with disastrous and I’d agree 1,000%.


all this rollback of regulations is for corporate greed, nothing more. distribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to make the rich even richer.


Theyll repeal ACA and return full control back to the insurance industry so they can seriously fuck over every american…and corporations wont have to provide anything…


According to a write up in the Washington Post, Paul thought Republicans would “repeal a half dozen or so of regulations that are killing jobs and making us less competitive with the rest of the world."

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Repeal of the ACA right now would cause the health insurance markets to collapse in many states.

Oh and Rand Paul seems to be forgetting about the filibuster.


Full repeal or nothing. They are so afraid of their base, it’s a goner. I hope they kill it completely. I will devistate Red State budgets but I’m sure somehow it will be the Dems faults. Probably need to start a shooting war pretty soon so we can be patriotically distracted.

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We now charge full force into an oligarchy.

I expect you be saying “you hateful hateful fucking assholes” a lot in January.

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Exactly. I believe Paul 100% when he says this. He won’t care about the health ins. industry crashing. Why?

Look at Bevin’s win in KY. He promised to repeal KYnect and he began soon after to do so. Paul is looking to do this on the Federal level.

All these sh*thead racists will be happy that PoC are losing health insurance even as they lose it themselves.

For them, it’ll be worth it.


Yeah we now have a government thats in complete deny of climate change as well…nice

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I think its possible that some Blue states will enact some version of Single Payer for themselves while the Red States suffer EVEN MORE than before. Ironically, the point of destroying the ACA by the White Confederates is to make PoC suffer. In the Blue states, I don’t think it’ll happen; they’ll just destroy themselves.


"“The Worst this country has to offer…
Has just elected to the Presidency of these United States
The Worst this country has to offer”
Me…Nov 9th,2016

Not to worry everyone. All is well!

You’ll still be able to buy clean TrumpAir and TrumpWater at your local TrumpMart.


It will be interesting to see how many feckless little pricks will come out of the woodwork now that brain dead America has spoken.


And their Medicare
and their SS


Republicans will nuke the filibuster if the Democrats have the spine to use it.