Rand Paul Awarded More Than $580K In Yard Dispute Attack
That’s because they didn’t have me in the jury.
$200,000 for pain and suffering
Ok, when can I open my lawsuit on Rand for all the pain and suffering he has caused us all?
Well, at least Rand can now get a decent haircut.
So this is about Paul being a douchebag neighbor who puts a pile of lawn trash at his property line repeatedly, pissing off his neighbor.
I bet his neighbor thought it was worth every penny…
Lesson to learn here kids, just shoot the guy dead and claim self defense. /s
The verdict seems reasonable to me. I’m a personal injury defense attorney. Punitive damages for intentional acts are perfectly within the law and given the people involved this sum seems moderate. Assuming no glaring errors by the trial judge, it is hard to imagine this getting reversed.
My guess is the appeal’s real purpose is to buy time to negotiate a reduced settlement from the verdict.
I’m hardly a Ron* Paul fan, but his neighbor is nuts.
*I meant Rand.
I question the neighbor’s judgment, TBH. Rand’s is a known quantity.
Hear ya. Blowing yourself up with gasoline and them ramming a Congressman is an overreaction to having grass cuttings piled annoyingly close to your property line. I live in a row house where you have to be tolerant about stuff.
$7,800 was his total medical expenses - that’s it. That would suggest he got a couple of X-rays and a prescription for acetaminophen?
I live in a high rise condo and it has been a real lesson in being a good neighbor.
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul was awarded more than $580,000 in damages and medical expenses on Wednesday in his lawsuit against the neighbor who tackled him and broke several of his ribs in a dispute over lawn maintenance.
Tort reform you can live with.
Not necessarily. It probably means he has solid gold insurance that paid the rest of the bill, whatever it was.
$580k for minor scirmish with a neighbor? We need tort reform!
Now Paul can afford to give back the hair he borrowed from Sherrod Brown and buy his own.
I am now disabused of my belief that tort reform is a rethug plank. /s
In the case of Atlas slugged vs Paul…
I take it he didn’t have the cut rate health insurance plan that he pushed for. Otherwise he might not be covered for his injuries.
Paul, a former GOP presidential hopeful, told the jury Monday that immediately after the attack, “the thought crossed my mind that I may never get up from this lawn again.”
Sneezing, while enunciating the Spanish pronunciation of that most excellent English word " Bullshit."
The day before the attack, Boucher said, he had burned another brush
pile that Paul had created near the boundary. He doused that pile with
gasoline and set it on fire, Boucher said. An explosion burned his face,
neck and arms, and Boucher said he was still in severe pain when he
attacked Paul the next day.
Basically the neighbor was punishing Rand Paul for his own idiocy. I’m going to guess this guy has a history of angry decision-making and this one caught up with him.
So this was the Bowling Green Massacre.