Discussion: Racism And Talk Of Religious War: Trump Staff's Online Posts

Gee, Wonder what’s in their private emails? These people and their racist bullshit remind me of a rotting, beached whale, turgid with the gases of decomposition, and spewing out offal.

[Edit: Don’t mean to gross anyone out, but being a biologist, I tend to develop metaphors based on biological processes and phenomena, which I find fascinating.]


Dear AP writer

Trump hasn’t.changed his position on a Muslim ban.

He has messed with it,because like dogs chasing after buses, Trump is chasing after votes.

But if you or your colleagues can give an actual example of Trump adjusting that proposed policy,now would be a good time to show it.



On the other hand, I., I do give AP credit for this:

The AP also reviewed the public social media accounts of more than three dozen employees of Hillary Clinton’s far larger campaign staff and found nothing as inflammatory. One staffer said Trump’s style of speaking reminded him of a roommate who had taken too many hallucinogenic mushrooms. AP also reviewed images attached to more than 19,000 stolen internal emails from the Democratic National Committee for racially or religiously inflammatory memes, finding nothing of note.

Remember the wig-out over the DNC emails, wherein some staffers said some mean things about Bernie.


“We need Islam control, not gun control.”

Such a stupidly funny sense of humor the Trumpster Fires have. And it is ironic that ISIS does not have to struggle over how to get AR-15s into the hands of their U.S.-based surrogates. Our lax gun laws are a breeding ground for mass murders by Americans and Islamists alike. Yet this escapes notice by bright lights Gohmert et al in Congress.


Why is this not a surprise???


These people are absolutely vile.


I’ve thought almost from the beginning, Trumps not saying anything Republicans don’t normally say, just not coded or behind closed doors.


Judging from some of the comments they make in this article, it seems that they think the problem is in making their thoughts public, rather than having such thoughts. For example…

“he described the field staff Trump acquired in the primary as unfamiliar with traditional campaign rules.”


can’t wait to hear how their freedom of speech is under attack. Accurately quoting the things these cretins say is a flagrant violation of the 1st Amendment of the Wingnut Constitution: “Any conservative may say any horrible, fact-free thing they like without criticism or consequences.”


Think about it this way - would you want your children to receive value / principle advice from one of these bigoted nitwits? if one of these Trump idiots was my kid’s little league baseball coach & was espousing his views … may kid would be playing a different sport

In looking at the ideals of America - and where things fall short - look no further than these despicable fools

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Yes, they seem like the trolls that infest and disrupt comment boards.

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Trump has no fixed convictions, he says wildly conflicting stuff simply to get the reaction he wants from different crowds, he doesn’t care that it’s all being recorded, and and he’s barely aware that it isn’t normal to do that. It’s part of his disease. Unfortunately that’s beyond the ken of most people, inside the media or out.


Yet somehow “journalist” Alexander Zaitchik was unable to find any evidence of racism in his monthslong series of interviews with 100 Trump supporters.


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A perfect metaphor for today’s Republican Party: cut through the surface, and what’s underneath is extremely unpleasant.



But my ‘rub’ is this: last week (?) didn’t change anything in regards to his domestic policy.

My AP complaint is that i know the subject has to catch benefit of doubt. It was one of the things that i always had to mind when i was a college reporter.

The problem is that when stories like these are drawn up, id like for the writer to not act as if Trump has actually pivoted.

He hasn’t.

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None of this is the least bit surprising. How could it be, given what we’ve seen from Trump and his surrogates and his supporters over the last year?

But I enjoyed the article, it was interesting to see the various flavors of crazy on display.

Sick deranged people supporting a sick deranged candidate…Does this surprise anyone? Then you have this hypocrite, Helen Aguirre Ferre, who likes to call herself a serious journalist, and who is now a spokesperson for Hispanic outreach for tRump making herself readily available to the press suddenly. Talk about a person etch-a-sketching herself, and no one bothering to ask her how she made that miraculous turn-around without a second thought. Can’t wait to see how much he’s paying her in his next FEC filing…

Ha – that’s the first thing I thought of when I read this quote…especially the final five words:

Barrish separately complained to editors at AP about its review of publicly accessible material on Trump employees’ social media accounts, saying "the liberal media, yellow journalists are really grasping at straws with their ad hominem circumstantial logical fallacies!"

My second thought was that that last bit deserved to be Eustacized:

"Teh LIBrul meDIA, yelloW JOURnaLists ARe reaLLy GRASping aT sTRAws WIth thERE AB homIMEN cirCUMstantiaL loGICal fallaCIES!!!1!!!11!!!911!!!eleventy!!!


Maybe Drumpf and company are trying to change these “onerous” professional standards that apply to them, while insisting they apply to others.

Talk about “game-changing” :fist: