Discussion for article #233407
Doesn’t that just give you a warm fuzzy racist cop feeling?
"One of the letters just got into the wrong box," Dimbo said.Otherwise, those blackies wouldn’t have known a thing about this, and neither would you people in the media and we could all go on about our little own racist ways.
Sigh. Connecticut? DO BETTER.
The racist cops are everywhere. We have a city full of them in Los Angeles.
Yeah, I really feel they are protecting and serving.
Damn good thing we’re living in post racist America, right?
If that was “racially charged,” what does it take to get TPM to call something “racist” in a headline?
I’m pretty sure “racially charged” covers it, friend.
"The Chief promise us the White people, he doesn’t belong here,”
Are there really so many illiterates in the Bridgeport PD that they can’t find this guy?
I’m pretty sure they know who the culprit is, just needs the desire to prove it. What you want to bet they really don’t want to do that?
Of course they don’t want to do that.
Now they’re going to be forced to because of the annoying media.
Connecticut is a progressive state on the surface. Underneath? It’s a seething cauldron of police misconduct, antipathy towards affirmative action, and home to a whole bunch of wealthy libertarian dudebros.
Also, too? The NRA has managed to neuter just about every legislation concerning gun safety. Here in deep blue Connecticut. Go figure.
Their own. Obvs.
Dimbo said that three other racist letters have been circulated through the Bridgeport department within the last year.
Apparently they didn’t make that mistake the first three times.
Another example of why police depts are not trusted by any one!
The idea, I guess is, that cops aren’t supposedly racist and that this is a surprise.
That would be a damn rosy view of reality and just plain ignorant of true America.
Didn’t that one gun organization move out of Conn. recently, Gun Owners of America, for greener pastures in Florida? I thought I heard that somewhere. I think their headquarters were near Newtown, Conn. too.
I believe it was a Connecticut Police Department that was sued for making low IQ a requirement for candidates.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is in Newtown–about 3 miles from Sandy Hook Elementary.
It’s still here, as far as I know.
DIMBO? How appropriate.
New London, CT, as a matter of fact.