Discussion: Rachel Dolezal Says She Can't Find A Job, Is Nearly Homeless

Was thinking the same thing. I’m sure working at a fast food chain or some job that doesn’t live up to her level of education is a real step down, but for that, I think she only has herself to blame. I think she needs to lower her expectations and take what she can for now, and in the process find a way to build herself back up again. Those are the consequences she’s going to have to accept for trying to deceive people or having issues that concern people who would have hired her under normal circumstances if she had come out and told the truth from the beginning about herself.


Just to start with the whole “biologically one gender but ‘think’ you’re another” problem…

Most transgender people are actually “intersex” what used to be called hermaphroditism. In this cas the sex organs were either malformed or under developed at birth and their gender was more or less “assigned” to them based on what it was decided their “bits” more closely resembled. The doctor’s have a 50/50 chance of guessing right, but they often guess wrong. And this is the first step to understanding “transgender”… Biology is actually fairly complex and can throw curveballs sometimes


I think she hurt her coworkers at the NAACP. And whoever didn’t get the job that she held. Also, being white and attempting to appropriate the black experience, as white people have appropriated so many things from other ethnicities, cannot be going over well.

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Beautifully stated.


And then there is this…

From Wikipedia:

In June 2015, Priscilla Frank at The Huffington Post and Sarah Cascone at artnet made accusations of plagiarism against Dolezal over the painting “The Shape of Our Kind,” for being a nearly identical copy of J.M.W. Turner’s 1840 work The Slave Ship. Frank accused Dolezal of “cultural appropriation and deceit” and “some plagiarism” for not crediting Turner. Cascone obliquely accused Dolezal of plagiarism because, while she acknowledged it is a common and widely accepted practice for painters to copy well-known works, Cascone said Dolezal should have mentioned Turner when offering the painting for sale on the artpal.com website.

I’m sorry…but she has issues beyond the scope of making an innocent mistake. There should be consequences for being a serial liar once you’re discovered to have deceived others for as long as she had.


“feeling black”, versus The Truth:


This is all beyond funny. She is getting slammed for “passing” as black. Yet the transgender are encouraged to pass as the other gender, although it is all a delusion. What’s the difference? Germaine Greer certainly does not consider Bruce Jenner to be a woman.

Ew. I know a lot of good cockroaches who would be offended by this.

And that is not stable. 80-90% of children who are not treated with hormones revert to genetic gender. If they are maltreated with hormones, their entire physiology can be damaged, permanently. Girls given testosterone become sterile. This is not an appropriate treatment. It is a malpractice.

Gee? Who knew that LYING TO PEOPLE FOR YEARS might have CONSEQUENCES?!?!?

You made your bed now you have to sleep in it (on the street.)

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There have been cases of racial dysphoria, yes. Michael Jackson being the most popular of an example.

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Now she will find out what being black in the USA is all about.

Not pulling out the violins here.

As detailed in another comment, she lied big time about herself and her life over and over and plagiarized art work besides. There was a lot more than even mentioned here. And never took any responsibility for any of it.

So in choosing a new employee - and I’m sure she’s only applying for high level positions - what would you do? Hire some experienced pro, or some other experienced but clearly big hot serial deceiving mess? Guess what, the wise thing to do is to hire the employee with a record of “working well with others” not the nutjob even if the nutjob is more experienced. Even working on a factory assembly line today usually requires teamwork skills, which means putting aside your ego and thinking about the big picture and the needs of others and being reliable and consistent, not spending every second plotting how to deceive to your advantage.

By the way, this is also why Trump is surely the worst executive ever.

Hard to have job performance, when you don’t have a job.

Gender–and thus, being transgender–isn’t just a social construct. Brain scans show that the brains of transgender women look more like average female brains than average male brains, and the brains of transgender men look more like average male brains than average female brains. It’s not just how you feel; it’s in how your brain is constructed and how it works.

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You have shown—once again—your total ignorance of an important issue.

Trans people’s situation is hardly a delusion. It is a recognized medical/psychological issue that affects thousands of people each year.

Gender Dysphoria is a real medical diagnosis. “Race Dysphoria” is not. People with Gender Dysphoria were born with differences between their gender identity (which is innate), and their biological sex (which is accidental). Really, stop saying that it’s not real, it makes you look uneducated. Learn something new, you can find a vast trove of information on almost any topic online.

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How do we know there is no other parallel diagnosis having to do with race? I don’t think it has happened very often with non African Americans identifying as black though African Americans have lived and identified as white.

But there may be a disorder involved - I don’t think it’s been studied the way gender dysphoria has.

Serious Q: are you a person color or an LGBTQ American?

“I do not think your anger really merits ruining a woman’s life.”
I have not expended one ounce of energy on the endeavor of ruining Rachel Dolezal’s life. Anything coming her way are the result of her - and only her - actions.