Discussion: Rachel Dolezal Says She Can't Find A Job, Is Nearly Homeless

Black Lives Matter

However messed up her deception may have been, I don’t think anyone ever disputed that she worked hard for the N.A.A.C.P. chapter in Spokane. Too bad, but people do dumb stuff.


A form of “racial cross dressing” gone bad?

It’s a sad story. I wonder if her self-identification is impinging directly on her job performance.

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So, now we are judging people by skin color? Again?

As an aside, the collective group of humanity traces themselves back to Africa, as in black. This, disappointingly, excludes neo-nazis who seem to have descended, if possible, from cockroaches.


I can certainly sympathize with someone who’s made bad choices–I am the very queen of bad choices. But this woman’s problems go beyond that. She’s either a deceitful exploiter or mentally ill. The two, of course, are not mutually exclusive.


I’m sure she can find “a job” – just not the kind of job she deems worthy of her particular expertise.


I rather expect her memoir will be fascinating and am looking forward to reading it.

I’m sorry for the difficulty she currently finds herself in, and I hope she finds work soon. that said, she did do something wrong, she lied about her background, which may or may not have been a critical factor in her getting the job with the NAACP to begin with. I may “identify” as a “young latino”, but the fact remains, I am a middle-aged, translucently caucasion male.


I’m sure it will be fabulist.


This is the point. Identifying with the African-American experience, even undergoing surgery and changing her hair and the rest of it are all defensible (although I think many people don’t trust her for that either), but I don’t understand how she ever though it would be okay to extensively and publicly lie about it. She misled people she worked with who did not know her family background.


What no Minstrel Shows available?

Sorry had to do it .
Only a deeply disturbed person would think they could pull off such a charade


The plight of being white.

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My heart bleeds for her. Apparently narcissism isn’t exclusively a Republican problem.


OK so the woman made a mistake.
It seems we talk a great deal here about serial mistake makers who never receive ‘punishment’, indeed are often, depending on wealth food chain height, rewarded for mistake after mistake.
Ms. Dolezal certainly does not deserve to be destroyed for imagining herself to be another race.


I feel so bad for Rachel. She wants to be who she wants to be like Caitlyn Jenner does - what’s the difference? Jenner gets prizes and all kinds of kudos for her change and this woman gets shit on and she’s the opposite of a racist.

It’s not fair.


She may not be a racist, but lying as she did undercuts any good she did or may yet do.

She’s put herself into an untenable position by her own actions—however well-meaning those actions may have been.

And Caitlyn Jenner should be roundly criticized for supporting the Idiot Trump—which negates any good she did for the trans community by coming out so publicly.

Both of them acted without thinking about the unintended consequences of those actions.


Is she lying? Why she lying when Caitlyn isn’t? Race is as much of a social construct as gender. It’s the same thing.

I don’t think she hurt anyone either.


Are we sure this isn’t just part of the grift? Maybe I’m wrong in that assessment, but she’s talking to the press again, and her book is out next month. That’s all fine, but I’m a little hesitant to feel bad for her here. She’ll likely be fine.