Discussion: R.E.M. Gets Trump SOTU Video Featuring 'Everybody Hurts' Taken Down

That’s a pretty old picture of the band BTW. This is what Stipe and Mills look like as of 2016 (not sure who the guy in the middle is).



Welcome to the Occupation.

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For some reason the comment system doesn’t show the reply tag if it’s the first comment under the one you’re replying to. It also doesn’t show that the original comment has been replied to in that case, but if someone else replies later it will show two replies including the first one. Mysteries of the universe.

“World Leader Pretend” would be a lot more appropriate.

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What’s the frequency, Dotard?


I live nowhere near our southern border, but I see gangs of swarthy people all the time. My grandson is a half-swarthy person, his dad is a full-blooded swarthy person (although born here), his paternal grandparents, although they also were born here, were from a very long line of the swarthiest of people in Mexico.

All I can say is that our family parties are a whole bunch more fun since my daughter married into such a merry bunch of folks. So, don’t be afraid of the swarthies if you see them coming!


REM tells SOTU to STFU.


I hadn’t listened to that in a long time, and probably never exactly knew the words, but damn is it appropriate. Especially with Eliot Abrams’ comeback tour.

Listen to the Congress
Where we propagate confusion
Primitive and wild
Fire on the hemisphere below


Canada’s demographic is changing because we love immigrants. It’s not as if we can say “we have no room.”

Growing up in Montreal, we experienced waves of immigrants from different countries and they brought a richness of diversity and culture. New ethnic restaurants would open up. School kids could tell their classmates the adventures they had as immigrants. That was my early meeting with people from other countries, we wanted to know more about them.

President Asshole indeed! Yay REM!


So since you linked Paul and Marco did you (or anyone else) see last weeks Finding Your Roots? Found out on Marco’s mother’s side they were in Cuba for 300 years and owned slaves. And as for Paul his mother’s side is German, great-grandfather came over penniless, and he is 3% Ashkenzi Jew, so there’s that.


Mills resembles what Bernie Sanders must have looked like about 187 years ago.


Trump just chose the wrong song. “The End Of The World As We Know It” would have been more appropriate for anything to do with his administration.


The guy in the middle is Peter Buck, R.E.M.'s guitarist.

This was Buck around the same time, so unless he’s got a rapidly degenerating portrait in his attic, it’s someone else. They’re not identified in the caption to the article.

Take off you hoser

President Asshole? So does Michael Stipe and R.E.M. respect Drumpf or not?

Me thinks not. Good thing Twitter got right on that pull down request. Don’t want anyone losing his religion. Ha, ha, ha,

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Republicans are such losers to think any self-respecting recording artist would want anything to do with them.

At the same time, I will take this opportunity to say that other than the first one or two albums I hate R.E.M. “Radio Free Europe” I can take. Most of the rest, no thanks.

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Those dogs don’t miss much, do they?


But the comment system allows you to click on your profile and see the comments that were posted in response to yours, and if you click on that response you get right to it without sifting or scrolling through all the other comments.

That feature is an improvement over the Discus system, which TPM used before developing its own in-house comment platform

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