Discussion: R.E.M. Gets Trump SOTU Video Featuring 'Everybody Hurts' Taken Down

25% clueless attribution of a relation between the words and cause.

75% deliberate wrapping of the words around the wrong idea to manipulate the masses.

But not simultaneously.



Only the Chinese can rival rethuglican respect for intellectual property.


I wonder how they feel bout this:

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Always trying to steal from othersā€¦ where is the responsibility coming from the take responsibility folksā€¦


swarthy people.

You are way too close to the border to see them. They are all storming a helpless, unwalled Minnesota, dontcha know?


Surprised Donnie didnā€™t declare ā€œeminent domainā€ and assume ownership of the music ā€¦ matters of national security, ya know.

Heā€™s already talked about that

Wow. What a song to use with your ā€˜upbeatā€™ SOU. Too stupid to even steal a song that fits!


Maybe he can use Meatloaf. The guy campaigned for Romney. Plus, when has Drumpf turned down a meal

Yeah, you betcha. Used to see all those Canadian license plates at the mall in Fargo when the exchange rate was favorable - invasion from Winnipeg! I actually considered myself an honorary Canadian since I grew up in MN. When we traveled to Canada, they often thought we were locals by our accent.

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7 Chinese Brothers?

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Ha, ha.

But I meant the fear of folks from the SOUTHERN border has been shown to increase the farther north you go.

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Just like the outrage over the ā€œGround Zero Mosqueā€ was zero in the neighborhood of Ground Zero (meaning greater New York City and beyond) but went maximal in the hinterlands.

Edit: Not to mention how the browns/blacks/whatevers are evil and dangerous when white-you donā€™t know any, but when you do you know that they are just people with the same nobility and faults that people have.


I was back in Toronto all summer and one of the frequent conversations at the dog park was that nobody would be going on vacation to the states for a long time. And many were resolute in boy cotting American goods as much as possible.


Wish we had a broken heart to ā€˜likeā€™ posts.

This is so sad, but I think they are right to avoid us.


Shit, Iā€™m still trying to wrap my brain around the idea that Marco Rubio likes Tupac and Paul Ryan loves Rage Against the Machine.


There are gangs of swarthy people in my city (Honolulu), but they seem more concerned about an invasion of white people.


My neighbor is a semi-retired 60-something stoner who plays 60s and 70s hippie music in restaurants on the weekends, and watches Fox News all day. He loves Trump and thinks Social Security was the end of freedom.

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This is a familiar type. The biggest Trump conservatives I know at work are also heavily into classic rock from the ā€˜60s and ā€˜70s, originally hippie music.

Edit: this was a response to midnight rambler, above.

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My neighbors overwhelmingly felt bad for all the non-Trump Americans and everyone suffering, but had no patience for the bullshit Trump et al were causing for Canada. I think it is even more jarring because Trudeau couldnā€™t be more different from Trump. We loved Obama, especially in the later Harper years. This really illuminated some of the fundamental differences between ideas on Canadianess and Americaness.