Bad news with just 6 days to go until the election. Hopefully Q polls will go back to Clinton.
She needs to pull out of Ohio. It’s lost.
Keep PA, WI, CO and she should be okay.
Actually, considering these polls were taken Oct 27 - Nov 1, with Comey’s bombshell falling on the 28th, these are good numbers. The data from tracking polls appear to indicate the weekend, when speculation was rampant and little was known, were H’s roughest polling days. That she managed to maintain a lead in Florida and NC in spite of that whirlwind is reassuring.
Let’s remember that Q, like CNN, hasn’t been kind at all to HRC in terms of polls this election cycle.
These polls are certainly promising … especially FL.
The Q polls used to be the gold standard. Now Q = r, imo.
Call to the post:
She’s leading in 3 out of 4 “must win” states. That’s good news.
“All told, pretty solid for Clinton - at least against baselines of last few days.”
“Clinton Maintains Her Lead in 3 out of 4 Key States”
That’s another way to write the headline.
Trump needs to snatch a blue state from H, and he’s nowhere near doing that.
Ohio doesn’t matter at all.
The closer the election gets, the more extreme the voter suppression and outrageous lies will become because there will be less and less time to counteract them with information.
I expect a massive Friday Night press dump of outrageous lies from the Trump campaign coupled with wall-to-wall Raging Republicans on ALL the Sunday Talk Shows to try to drag the stinking carcass of the Trump Campaign over the finish line on Tuesday.
On Monday there will be 3-5 PLANTED stories in the press from the FBI alone, with many more from “unnamed government sources” darkly suggesting that Clinton is up to no good (I’m looking at YOU New York TImes!)
With no time to counter them, and 24x7 screaming coverage from the feckless and incestuous MSM, it just might work to suppress the Democratic turnout in Ohio and Florida and North Carolina enough for the Republican’s voter suppression efforts in those states to steal the election.
Stay tuned and stay frosty.
As I have told my teams for 40 years, “Win by one”.
Based on 538’s map, PA is the only Clinton must-win on the list. If she holds PA, CO, NH, she should clear 270.
Unfortunately, the demographics of OH have changed substantially and we might find it just gets tougher for us in the future.
But, as you said, PA, WI, CO should be alright along with FL.
Being the bubble-living Californian that I am I’m curious as to how the demographics of Ohio have changed? Is there a state that’s becoming more white?
Check the score, OHIO.