Discussion for article #225242
I’ll bet he wants a “cease-fire” now that he’s established himself as a person richly deserving of the attention of the cross hairs. He’s become the most hated person in Europe overnight. That’s saying something. He’s lucky he hasn’t been droned already.
Well I think he is sharing the limelight with the so -called “Strelkov”, who was Putin’s go-to guy in Ukraine. I wouldn’t be completely surprised if in the coming weeks this “Strelkov” dies a “heroic death” but with his hands tied and a bullet to the back of the head.
Just being contrarian, but perhaps we should wait a little bit before all of us jump on the bandwagon of the Russians and the separatists did this. Please let us remember that the Ukraine has the same type of missiles that are alleged to have been used in the tragedy. They got them from the same place as the are now shrilly screaming that the separatists got them: Russia. A year ago, at this time, the Russians and the Ukrainians were intimate lovers.
All the “evidence” so far has come from the Ukrainian secret police. Voice tapes are very easy to dummy up. Even a kid with a computer can make Kennedy’s inaugural speech sound like Castro gave it.
The “video” of the alleged separatist missile launcher trundling away with one missile missing is easy enough to create, especially if you have the same kind of missiles that allegedly shot down this aircraft. These do not readily lend themselves to any credibility supporting the allegations. Altering video with Photoshop is an unremarkable task. Photoshop works on video as well as still pictures.
I do not pretend to say that the separatists are innocent in this tragedy. All I am saying is that the US press, particularly the Associated Press, has been flogging this story of “Ukraine good-Russia/separatists bad” for nearly a year now. Well over half the time, the world press has debunked the AP’s claims. We should all wait before making all kinds of editorial accusations until the facts become clearer. Right now the facts are as obscure as San Francisco once the fog rolls in from the Pacific.
Probably the most telling reason to reserve judgment on this, is the fact that the USA has taken such a non-committal position on this. If everyone will recall, it was the USA and its media who jumped all over Syria about gassing the rebels without a shred of proof. Even today, that “proof” is very much in doubt, given the vast amount of evidence that it was the rebels who gassed a government stronghold with Sarin gas provided by the USA.
If there were any slim or even manufactured evidence that the separatists in Eastern Ukraine shot that plane down, the USA would have been screaming the loudest about who bore responsibility for this murderous event. As would the USA’s media. Please remember that the USA has satellites hovering over Russia that can clearly show nails hammered through a sheet of plywood. The story the “we can’t tell exactly where the missile came from” narrative is pure bullshit. The NSA knows, down to less than a square meter, exactly where that missile came from.
All of which lends further weight to the argument of waiting until there are some real facts before jumping to conclusions. But in all of the USA’s media, there is still a “Cold War” mentality that says the Russians did it, the facts be damned. It is the old “If it bleeds, it ledes” story of the piling on aspect of the USA’s media. Even ones that are usually very responsible and don’t jump to conclusions, normally.
In a gesture of national friendship, Putin and Presidential loser John McCain then rubbed bath salts on each other while naked in a Russian bath.
But that wasn’t at all gay. Not a bit.
“Umm–I’d like to close Pandora’s box now (After I just opened it)…”