Discussion: Putin: Turkey Shooting Down Russian Warplane Is 'Stab In The Back'

Discussion for article #243147

Things just got a whole lot sticker for Putin.

Coming from a man who knows all about back stabbing…

Assad has been supporting ISIS by buying their oil, and they are letting ISIS terrorist out of jail. Putin is supporting Assad who could have let one of the terrorist out of jail who blew up a Russian airliner. How does Putin justify supporting Assad? The US should go after Putin hard.

Putin justifies supporting the Assad regime because they have Russian interests in the region (i.e. a naval base.) In addition, neither Russia nor the US wants to see the Assad regime fall and THEN you get Libya 2.0.

Putin’s angry because the Su-24 bomber was a rent to own…

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“Speaking at a meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah II, Putin on Tuesday accepted his condolences on the death of a Russian pilot who was reportedly captured and dead.”

This sentence is terrible. How can he be dead and captured? Did he die from his injuries? Then is ‘captured’ the right term? I expect it was a rescue mission to retrieve the pilot and probably the wreckage to verify the source.


@AllieBean You just reminded me an excellent line from “Top Secret”. Guy on phone: “Umm hmm. I see. Let me know if there’s a change in his condition.” Hangs up phone. “He’s dead.”

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This is why we can’t have nice things.

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It’s complicated. The guy is both now. But for a brief moment, maybe in the air but out of the jet, he was neither.

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The Assad regime has already failed or the country wouldn’t be in a civil war.

Turkey and NATO need to show some iron in their spines on this.

Their take should be: “You fly into NATO airspace, you probably get aced after sufficient warnings.” Period, end of statement.

This is the only type of reaction the Russians and Putin will relate to. Even a megalomaniac like Putin (and his generals) understand that this is no longer the Warsaw Pact against NATO, but Russia (a 2nd or 3rd rate military power) against NATO.

Suck it up, Vlad. Life’s tough and then you die!

I agree that the Assad regime has failed; I said Russia doesn’t want to see the regime fall. As in completely collapse.

The pilots were being shot at on the way down (by the rebels on the ground they’d been bombing) and apparently one of them was hit and arrived dead.

I would prefer: “You fly into NATO airspace, you get a very angry letter with a list of grievances, and your privileges in Club Med resorts are revoked for a month.”

But then, if he arrived dead, he was never captured.

Even bodies are sometimes held as hostages and traded for one thing or another, so — oh, well, semantics.

The shooting was uncalled for. An economic boycott and embargo on Turkey’s commercial and nuclear activity by the Russians is a valid, non-violent and diplomatically measured response to the downing of the plane.

I think that Turkey’s membership will prove to be NATO’s achilles heel. Turkey has been funding ISIS and sending terrorists to Syria, Pakisatan and Iraq.

Turkey is fast becoming an authoritarian terrrorist-enabling wahabbi sunni state like Saudi Arabia, Pakisatan, Qatar, and UAE. All of the wahabbi sunni terrorists involved in the Paris attacks went to Turkey.