I wonder if NK will seek to work with Russia, China and SK to increase trade/aid in exchange for some kind of treaty and effectively shut the US out of the process.
Puppet and Dummy. What a team.
In Russia we took this news with regret.
Not reported… the reason why Putin regrets this:
We will have to have a talk with The Donald… he left out several of the paragraphs that I had dictated to him personally.
What a fucked-up state of affairs – Kim comes out of this looking like the rational and reasonable party. If Putin is really upset, he may start releasing some of the dirt on Spanky but this probably helps him consolidate power in the region. Great job Spanky.
Bloviating idiot sucks can’t spell diplomacy and would lose a game of tic tac toe. Who knew? The dotard in chief is exactly the perfect leader for his GOP base followers. Does suck for the rest of us, though.
The senior U.S. official said the North violated a pledge to allow international inspectors to monitor the supposed implosion of the site Thursday. International journalists were present, but the U.S. government can’t verify the site’s destruction. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid overshadowing Trump’s comments Thursday.
The Hard Line Anti-Leak President had to (yet again) resort to leaks to spin and rationalize the totality of the vain and petulant reasoning expressed in the President’s own Junior High School Model United Nations Club official statement. And to keep future historians from wetting their pants laughing.
That has already happened. That is why trump is doing his brain fart thingy to play victim so he can amuse himself about how his button is the biggest ever in the history of the world.
He got played and he knows it.
If you Google Earth N. Korea you can see along the tiny boarder with Russia a train that runs between the two countries. I’m pretty sure Russia has been doing some business with N. Korea for a long time.
Also too, look closely at Pyongyang and you’ll see a huge swimming facility that looks wonderful but doesn’t appear to be used much. I only noticed it because I’m a swimmer and love pools.
Oh I know Russia and China have already been propping up NK by undermining sanctions. I just wonder if in it’s own self interest if SK will be motivated to seek some kind of deal on its own.
I don’t think there was ever a possibility of them breaking with US policy before, and I don’t think they’ll want to. I’m just wondering if they’ll start to thinking they have to.
I think this is all diplomatic smokescreen. Putin was smart enough to know that this whole thing would collapse, and now he, like Kim, can play the upper hand as the “reasonable” party. It just serves to further isolate us on the world stage, which is good for Russia.
Richard Engels did a recent special on a Friday night that focused on how Russia uses cargo ships and tankers with their transponders removed or de activated to subvert the sanctions and trans-ship commodities forbidden to North Korea that have been legally shipped to Russia.