Discussion: Putin: Mueller Indictments Of Russians Driven By U.S. Politics

Thank you for your concern, dearest trolliest of trolls.


Talks on the phone regularly… yea, no shit…


Jeebus. He sounds like Trump, only with better syntax.



Putin also said that he has “high hopes” about the U.S.-North Korea summit.

“High apple pie in the sky hopes!”


Correct, Vladimir! If they didn’t unlawfully fuck with US politics, they wouldn’t have been indicted.

Thanks for playing.


Putin is telegraphing Trump to make a public claim Mueller is harming national security and relations with Russia, thereby risking degraded relations with a nuclear armed nemesis. Perfect fodder for ending the Mueller investigation. You know, don’t want the planet incinerated because of some witch hunt,.


I do not believe this series of comments is anything other than arranged theater. As he said, he talks to Trump regularly. That is incredibly understated. I am also of the belief that NK is a coordinated process between Russia, NK and Trumpistan.


Well, in a sense Mueller’s indictments are driven by politics. Mueller’s political beliefs are opposed to treason.


It’s like clockwork; if the revelations implicate him one day, he breaks discipline and chimes in the next. Putin has really thin skin.

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Putin and his cronies’ theft of his country’s wealth from ordinary Russians forced to pay for his elaborate lifestyle like a czar, is a driven by politics as well. Only he’s been manipulating Russian politics and stealing from their citizens a lot longer. Gotta have somewhere to stash all your ill-gotten gains though, don’t ya?..Should’ve found some other country besides this one to fuck with.

Fuck off, Putin. How many Russians object to your autocratic rule, and how many of them did you kill this week, asshole?


Keep running your mouth scumbag. This country has unfinished business with Russia. Once Trump is gone we need to descend on that fucking joke of a country like a storm. Cut them off totally from the financial system, seize every penny of Russian money around the globe we can, put crippling sanctions in place and GREEN LIGHT every single Russian we know had any part in this and drone strike their asses if they dare set foot out of Russia.

They need to pay a heavy price and be made an example of.

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Yo Pootie Poot your Russian friends were indicted because if Trumpy-Poo decides to pardon his coffee boys then a trial of your friends gets to bring the lackeys into court to be cross examined.


June 14th - Cohen has a date in court, trump’s b-day and the opening day of the World Cup in Russia.
Should be a busy week…there’s something on the 12th too isn’t there?

Also from the New Yorker:


Putin mentioned that he had spoken on the phone with Trump recently about adoptions their shared intent to avoid an arms race, adding “I hope that someday this work in the interests of the United States and Russia, indeed in the interests of the whole world, will begin, including between us personally.”



And China


Face it, he’s right. If tRump hadn’t been elected, Mueller would probably never have been appointed, those Russians would not have been indicted, etc. And how was tRump elected? Politics!

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The diary on the Mueller filing on Manafort’s violation of bail conditions has left the front page. I read the whole thing last night. My read of it is that Manafort panicked after the Gates guilty plea. His strategy has been to weaken Mueller’s case by finding ways to get a charge dropped and make himself a hero to the GOP for ‘fighting back’, and provide an opportunity for Trump to issue pardons, kill the investigation, or enable Nunes to take more attempts to undermine Rosenstein/Mueller/FBI. In Manafort’s view, the FARA charge was his best chance to win if he could fudge a few facts. That’s why he tried to coach and tamper with witnesses. In other words, Manafort believes that killing the investigation and/or getting a pardon is possible and he’s trying to make the case to Trump that it’s worth doing by showing how he can challenge Mueller in court. That would explain the myriad of filings against Mueller, nearly all of which Mueller has beaten back.

The other thing that struck me is that Vladimir Putin appears to be actively engaged in the Russia probe. He is trying to find ways to damage the probe and get charges dropped. Person A in the Mueller filing is almost certainly Konstantin Kilimnick. The record shows that Kilimnick was actively helping Manafort as recently as February. I don’t think Kilimnick would be working with Manafort unless Putin gave his approval. So, contrary to the view that Manafort fears for his life, I believe Putin is the one gripped by fear and he is trying to spring Paul Manafort from the clutches of the Special Counsel. Also keep in mind that over a dozen indictments were issued against Russians + Russian companies in the Internet Research Agency indictment naming the government of Russia as the culprit in many crimes relating to election interference. Putin is actively interfering in our investigation. Putin and Trump are working together now, just as they did at the G-20 summit when Putin gave Trump the cover story on ‘adoptions’ in response to the NYT scoop on the Trump Tower meeting of 6/9/16.

Mueller’s ability to get the evidence to shut Manafort down may be a significant turning point in this investigation. If he gets Manafort either convicted or forces him to plead guilty, Putin and Trump will be badly exposed.


Really, there’s only one valid reaction to Puritn’s trolling: Hey, Vlad? Fuck you.


So Vlad watched Rachel last night?

*Her A block was about how Mueller indicted the Arussians after he received the Trump lawyer letter saying Trump could end the investigation through pardons. Rachel’s theory is that Mueller was saying “if you’re going to try that, you’re going to have pardon a bunch of Russians who screwed with our democracy. Let’s see how that goes over.”