Discussion: Putin: DNC Hack Good For The Public, But Russia ‘Definitely’ Not Behind It

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Brutus stands there with the bloody knife and asks, “Does it matter who killed Caesar? Let’s talk about how this affects Rome.”



Well, Russia might not be behind the hack, but somebody over there was paid by Drumpf to do it… we will evetually find out that the modern Watergate was instituted in the back rooms of the Rnc

Well, gosh darn, I am SO reassured Val! Thanks for letting us know what to be concerned about!


See? Total vindication for that idiot from Omaha, Russia.


If making confidential communications public is so much of a public good doesn’t it only follow that Vladimir should open up all his records and make them public so the Russian people could bask in the glory of full disclosure?

Oh ya, I forgot if he did that we would see the orders he gave to hack the American Democtats as well as his directives to his American tool, Donald Trump.


Would a GOP Senate vote to confirm Putin as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

I believe they would at least allow the vote to happen.


“Listen, does it even matter who hacked this data?’’ Putin told Bloomberg Politics in an interview published Thursday. (Rinnian Pres. Vlad Putin)

LOL – man, that Putin. Tell us if you feel that way in a few years, Mr. Putin. LOL.


The DNC hack, nothing was leaked, it was stolen, is worse than watergate because it normalizes this behavior just like the press is normalizing Trump’s hate speech. Some members of the Alt-Left will cheer and nod their heads in agreement with the assertion “the important thing is the content that was given to the public’’ while simultaneously invoking the chilling effect that surveillance has on free speech.


Sorry, little man… the evidence says otherwise. You and cohorts are all over this…


If the public has a right to know, release everything you have on Assange, Greenwald and Snowden, Pootie-Poot.


He’ll be singing a different tune in a few years (if that). Payback can be a bitch.


If making confidential communications public is so much of a public good doesn’t it only follow that Vladimir should open up all his records and make them public so the Russian people could bask in the glory of full disclosure?

As we all know, when that happens, the person responsible ends up with a bullet in their heads with a message inscribed on it: “Love, Vlad.”. Straight up, no joke.

I am SO hoping that Madame President will pour as much salt on this slug as possible.


Snowden called it “democratizing information”. What a hoot.


“Listen, does it even matter

Funny how Trump’s people have been using this same line…


Putin has a cpoule of things he needs to work on. First, it’s not 1956. It’s the Russian Federation not the USSR. Second, Bloomberg’s not Pravda. If you lie they burn you.

The fact that Russia was involved is not a “minor issue”. Not in the USA. If Russia’s trying to game the election for Trump everyone from California to Connecticut needs to know that and weigh it.


Exactly my first thought. And not just cheering, I did see them actually saying this line “Listen, does it even matter…given to the public” (not exactly the same word by word, of course, but logic and content wise identical).

Oh Boris, you so heavy handed…but, you are still one wild and crazy guy!

But George W. “looked into his soul” and pronounced him a good man! Worst. President. Ever. Let’s not compound that mistake by putting an unqualified, mentally-unbalanced man in the big chair. #voteblue #clintonkaine2016

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