Discussion: Push For FARA Overhaul Stalls Amid Objections From Organizations

Please. Just focus the enforcement on right wingers and Republicans in general. Those are the dirty criminal traitors. And anyone even mildly close to those Russian pigs.

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The (AP) giveaway

I bet their ‘reporters’ lose a lot at the pool midnight poker games.


The Republican Congress, where rich white men give themselves a one-month paid leave to spruce up their resumes.


President Donald Trump invoked the law in a Sept. 13 tweet that attacked former Secretary of State John Kerry for meeting with Iran’s foreign minister, who was his main interlocutor during the Iran nuclear deal negotiations. Trump called the meetings illegal and questioned whether Kerry, now a private citizen, had registered as a foreign agent.

previously on ‘The Donald Trump Show’




Push For FARA Overhaul Stalls Amid Objections From Organizations

Ah, they should just leave it alone. Foreign lobbyists never hurt us before, right???

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“No one wants to be labeled a foreign agent,” she said. “It sounds like a spy for a foreign government.”

Just ask Manafort and Flynn.


The House is overstepping so we will end up with NO law??? Say it isn’t SO.


How interesting that foreign agents view it as a stigma to be identified as a foreign agent.


Donald Trump is a traitor to his own country.

I believe the absolute worst in history, because, to this day, Donald believes he can lie, buy, and obstruct his way out of any responsibility for doing everything he tells suckers he abhors.

Trump and his family sold American democracy to Russia. The first part of a good con is always the key.

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