Discussion: Publishing Execs Accuse Facebook Of False Equivalency With News Outlets

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I’m so glad I’m not a Facebook member. That’s one entire sea of drama and angst I’m not a party to.


FB is damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

If they include the right wing sites, knowing that their journalistic standards are not up to par, they’re leaving themselves open to the ‘fake news’ screamers.

If the don’t include them, they’re biased and librul and all those other descriptions.

There is no right answer, so how about excluding them all?

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My right answer is excluding facebook. The company exists to sell you to large marketing firms. Whatever social benefit Zuckerberg’s platform may have had as a college kid’s project, it has long since left behind.


I hear the Proud Boys Gazette also made the cut…

Zuckerberg’s platform never had social benefit - all he did was make a Hot or Not ripoff to judge college women on their appearances* and then steal the actual platform from the actual inventors and then continue to steal profitable ideas from other people until he amassed all the wealth and power.

*And then he gamed his own system so only his preferences got highly ranked no matter what others thought, because that’s the kind of techbro slime that he always has been.


Facebook could not care less about “journalistic standards”, and frankly, neither do the “Publishing Execs”.

They are just pissed that FB (and the Internet generally) is taking their customers away from them.

They have no moral ground to stand on considering the shit they publish with a straight face.
I mean, how the FUCK does Ann Coulter keep getting publishing deals if they have even a shred of “standards”?


And Alex Jone’s Inforwars still has a site

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Facebook has probably come close to FOX news for helping to screw up our country with their bullshit.


My rightwing nutjob coworker was closely reading his FuckBuck account and came across the Reuters photos of the queen meeting with Spankee McDumbass. Apparently a bunch of people had labeled it as sensitive, thus requiring (gasp) a second click to see the pictures.

His conclusion? “There has never been such organized opposition to a president in US history.”


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What do you expect for a person so maladjusted that while in college he would build a platform to objectify female students?


saying that the far right publication lacks journalistic standards, and that Facebook accommodates it to assuage conservatives who claim that publications like the Times and the Post are leftwing.

Are they expecting anyone in power in Washington to give a fuck? Who do they think are making the claims that they’re left wing… could it be… Satan?! Or perhaps the entire majority party, it’s entire political apparatus, and the Daily Caller itself?

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Very few of just “regular” readers, those who didn’t get the course on critical thinking anywhere in their development, can differentiate between news sources. I stay on FB to watch this debacle unfold. But then I actually taught critical thinking back in my university working days!

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Speaking of algorithms, there have been some interesting ads served to me with my TPM today.

The large demand that I join NRA or surrender my freedom and mom and Apple pie was a little jarring, but I clicked it to send millidollars flowing in the right direction.

My favorite was this metaphoric ad:

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