Discussion: Psychiatrist Used Own Gun In Pennsylvania Shootout With Patient

They hate to hear it, Matt. But their common apologetic approach, that we all need to cowboy up and fight “tyranny,” is utter bullshit.

I mean, think of it. Beej and his beer-bellied minions with their AR-15s and Walmart camos, versus tanks, drones, ballistic missiles, aircraft carriers, and really really bad MREs. Who’s going to win that one?

Beej has been pissed off ever since those nasssty hobbitses took his Preciousss…


They are willing to accept a lawless 1940s Hollywood caricature of the Old West, so that their benefactors, the gun and ammo industry, might profit from selling us ever more powerful shootin’ irons.

Your question is rhetorical but Michael McDonald will answer it: What a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.

Also, it would have been hugely expensive for the hospital. See how many people go in and out of a hospital every day— patents, visitors, employees, deliveries. Most of them were not built with security in mind so there are a million entrances. Qualified guards— i.e. those in Pennsylvania qualified to carry weapons— cost money. I can’t fault the hospital for not having them. I have clients in locked such wards and outside of a forensic one I cannot remember there ever being a metal detector for visitors anywhere.

Now THAT’S a smack-down I’d pay real money to witness.

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